Nosy Strolling

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Toby's POV (5:21 a.m) -

The job is done now. Fuck I'm so sleepy right now but I don't wanna go back to the mansion. I know Masky and Hoodie might pick on me for shits and giggles. I know they don't mean it, it's just gets so annoying. Like they just started doing this thing where they walk into my room and say something stupid and then they'll walk out with one of their phones playing music like it's an outro or something like that.

I'm like the youngest brother getting made fun on. Ever since that grotesque scrawny humanoid looking thing brought me here, I obviously wasn't doing great. Murdering my father went even more downhill after losing my sister and isolating myself while my mother obeyed my abusive father. I can't believe I'm related to that man.

Enough of that... I'm slightly doing better. I guess? Well personally I think I am however just in general I'm not. I know I'm not doing better. I obey The Operator- we call him Slenderman, I couldn't really do whatever I want because of him, I had to do grotesque work for him... I never thought I ended up taking lives away just to live.

Anyways I put my sweater on I left outside of my victim's house to cover up this vital fluid that had just splattered on my shirt. Well I just got the job done, I'm tired and bored, I don't want to go back home yet, and I don't feel like to just take a walk or do random shit.

"Tic.... Tic"
Fucking shit... I wish I don't have Tourette's.
I walk through the neighborhood not knowing what to do. To be honest I always have this idea of having a friend. Sure Masky and Hoodie are my friends but I always get treated like their little brother, I'm not saying it's bad but I felt like there's a gap and they're not filling in it at all. I want to know what's like having a close friend, however I know Slenderman doesn't want me to. I get that. But I want a close friend, I don't see myself being close with Hoodie nor Masky. Sure them and I had a grotesque past, we take people's lives for Slenderman, we live together and we would do the work Slenderman demand us to do together as a team.

I walk and walk through the neighborhood and now I'm at a road where it leads to town. I thought I'm going to end up taking a walk in town before I get back to the mansion and pass out on my bed however I notice a dirt road I never seen. Was that there the whole time? Curiosity for the best of me of where that dirt road leads to.

I walk through it and see an old blue trailer. Okay nothing much. I kept walking and fucking Christ. This dirt road honestly feels long.Only sounds I can hear are my ticking and the sound of my feet taking step by step. I was about to walk but until I notice faded light. I notice the more I walk in, the more greenery I'm starting to get surrounded in. Suddenly there's grass, nice pine trees, some flowers barely growing and the rest are already blooms. It's spring, of course we'll have greenery more greenery going to grow more.

I kept walking deeper through the dirt road then I see a nice ass Victorian home. Holy shit... Just seeing it there while it's surrounded by nature looks pretty nice. I notice how there's no fence, just grass with hella bushes and more plants. Damn I wonder who the hell lives in it and what they do for a living.

I walk around the house just observing its looks then I notice how the window is slightly open. I got curious and try my best to look through it. However it's high up. Then I notice how there's a tall tree next to the window. Bingo.

I held my urges to make a ticking noise then I climb up on the tree then I try to look through the window and- bitch the curtains are closed and I know I can jump far and high but I felt like a total puss at the moment for now. I don't know what that room is. Well most likely a bedroom, I just want to make noises to wake the person up- what if the person is a light sleeper?- I still took the leap.

Holy shit this the cleanest and yet somewhat messy bedroom I've been in. The floor is all clean, the night stand look nice, and the closet too. It's just that desk/ vanity. I look around just observing the bedroom. The posters of the video games and bands, seeing some things in this room which I believe it's their hyper-fixation.

I walk around silently and surprisingly these floors don't freak at all. I'm quite impressed not gonna lie. Then I notice a weird built teddy bear... laying on the floor next to the floor... What the fuck?

I have never seen a teddy bear that has a small head and a big buff looking ass body. I kinda wanna laugh at it but then I notice someone sleeping on bed. The bear must've fell when they're asleep. Okay just seeing that lil' fucker I kinda want one now. I pulled out my phone then I took a photo of it. It looks so stupid.

I sigh and shake my head with a smile on my face. I walk up to the closet seeing photos on the door. Behind me I heard the sound of sheets moving. Chills ran down my spine. FUCK FUCK FUCK!
I'm at the opposite side of the room! The window is not nearby me fuck! Well shit in the closet I go.

I immediately get into the closet then just hid behind the clothes. I'm hoping to god this chick won't come here to pick her outfit for the day.

The closet door has these little slits where a person inside can look through by the person outside can't look. Here I am just sitting there feeling nervous. I know I'm a murder, but I'm not in the mood to take someone's life away, besides Slenderman hasn't demanded me to kill this chick. Plus just seeing her posters, and other things in her room I see some things that we may have in common.

Maybe she can be my friend. My first close friend. I just have to keep it in secret. Plus how bad can it be? I'm just hoping she doesn't mind.

Suddenly my body has urges to make cracking sounds with my neck. Oh my God please get off that damn bed and leave!

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