Chapter 1: Jeon-Li?

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You are currently resting your head on your palm as you look around at the environment you are in. The classroom was full of students standing and chatting happily away about how their weeks went, gossiping, or how they think someone's hair looks nice.

Meanwhile, you were seated in the back corner, right next to the window with the best view of the outside. You were fortunate to have been assigned this seat, for it not only has a great view but you could also be by yourself here. You had your hair up in a neat and tight ponytail and were wearing the standard uniform of the school, with a baggy black jacket on top. Your eyes and expression was a mix of boredom and calm, waiting for the teacher to come and start class.

Just then, a ginger haired boy walks in and everyone's attention is on him instantly, stopping them in whatever they were doing before.

'Not again...', you thought, annoyed and frowning at your classmates. You felt bad for the ginger boy, whose name you don't quite remember. 'Jeon...Li, was it? Jeon-Li Hirahara? Wait.. That doesn't sound right..' Whatever his name was, you knew from your classmates that he is from a rich family, which is also why, you believe, their full attention is on him at all times.

But, from your observations, you also knew he didn't enjoy their attention. In fact, he seems to be uncomfortable and even angry with it. You understood. You would also be mad if your classmates wanted to speak to you just because your family is wealthy.

"Hey! How was your week?"

"You look good today!"

"Bro, wanna study together for the next test?"

Almost everyone was by his side immediately, asking him conversation starters and such. You glance at the scene, where the poor guy was surrounded. He had a small forced smile as he answered questions and declined hangout offers as politely as he could.

"My week was ok, thanks. And sorry, but I can't..."

As he was speaking, he caught your eye and looked surprised. You raised a brow at his shock, then turned away, looking out at the nice view instead. Whatever is going on in his or your classmates' lives was none of your business. And you would like for it to stay that way. Not that you didn't want friends, but you didn't like most of your classmates, and Jeon-Li... You didn't think he even wanted to be friends with anyone here.

Soon after that, the teacher finally arrives and starts the day, which goes as per your daily schedule.

Pledge, review of what you'll be doing today, doing the things you're supposed to do, lunch, more things to do, then go home, shower, have a snack, do homework, and get ready to head to bed.

Although these were all the tasks you do daily, today felt a little... off. Not because you added or took away from your daily list of things to do, but because a certain someone seemed to be staring.

'Not staring..', you thought, placing a finger on your chin as you lay on your huge, fluffy bed. 'More like curious.. About what though?'

That, you didn't know. Maybe he's surprised that there's someone in his class that is not obsessed with him. Maybe he's just surprised to find a new face among his classmates. You had just joined this school recently after all. Or maybe he was just surprised to find someone looking at him. Which one of these is his reason to be curious about you, you didn't know.

Whatever it was, it disturbed you greatly. You were sure he didn't and doesn't mean any harm, but you couldn't help but find it uncomfortable to be stared at. You decide to confront him about it. Thinking this, you slowly close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

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