Chapter 6: Hospital

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"So... Is she always like this?" Shin-ae asks as she side-eyes you. You were clinging onto her like your life depended on it.

"No way! She's the complete opposite." Yeong-gi defends you. "Always so calm and collected... She doesn't even say the word "shit" because it goes against her morals." he looks at your state and frowns with deep worry. "It must be because of the drinks..."

"The drinks? What was wrong with the drinks?" Shin-ae, who didn't notice anything at the bar, was confused.

"Um.. the drinks were spiked.." Yeong-gi says slowly, glancing at Shin-ae, whose eyes went blank when she heard that.

"What. the. Shit." 

"I know." Yeong-gi sighs. "She knew it too. She literally saw the bartender spike it, but she still went and drank them."

"Wouldn't it have been easier to just throw them away?" Shin-ae questions, and Yeong-gi nods.

"Exactly! That's what I was gonna do until... well, until she stepped in and did that." Yeong-gi just couldn't understand why you would do what you did. 

'Unless she didn't think of throwing them away... No, no way, she's smart. Surely she would have thought of it too.' Yeong-gi started to doubt but shook his head, having no idea that you did, in fact, drink the spiked drinks because your dumb brain thought that was the only solution.

Shin-ae hums and glances at Yeong-gi. "Shouldn't we inform her parents or guardians about this situation? I think some adult needs to know so it won't get messy."

"Yea, but..." Yeong-gi says hesitantly. "I don't have her parents' contacts.."

"We can just use her phone." Shina-se gets the phone out from your pocket and holds it up to Yeong-gi. He was slightly surprised by Shin-ae's idea, and he grabs the phone and goes to your contacts.

"Who should I call?" Yeong-gi mutters as he looks at the phone screen. Like he suspected, you didn't have many contacts in your phone.

There were only him (contact name: Ed Sheeran (recently changed))

Soushi (contact name: Sushi)

Dieter (contact name: Friendly German)

Alyssa (contact name: Home girl)

someone named (contact name: Evil witch)

and someone else by the contact (contact name: Victim of the Evil witch)

Looking at your contacts, he sweatdropped. He didn't know who to call. He looks to Shin-ae for help, who takes the phone and goes through your contacts.

"Damn, she only has 6 contacts!" Shin-ae was shocked.


"Who's 'Evil witch'?"

"I have no idea.." Yeong-gi also wonders who it may be.

"Let's call 'em"

Shin-ae presses the phone and holds it to her ear. It rings and rings but has no answer.

"No answer" Shin-ae and Yeong-gi both frown, and Yeong-gi looks at you with worry again.

"Let's just focus on getting her to the hospital first." Yeong-gi says as he continues to hold your hand.

Shin-ae nods, agreeing with him. 

* * * *

"Hmm?" You slowly blink your eyes open, only to find yourself in an unfamiliar room that smelled strongly of hand sanitizer. Your body felt numb and you couldn't tell if you were moving or not. "Am I finally dead..?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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