Chapter 4: Alyssa Cho

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"What music do you like?" you ask randomly in class one day, watching Yeong-gi scroll through his phone. You have recently realized your feelings for him as affection, but you barely even knew the guy so you were making an effort to get to know him better.

'What happens after you know him though? Will you confess?', a side of your brain asks, to which you sweatdrop. You didn't actually know what you would do after you knew him better. You have never liked anyone before so this was a first-time thing, and you didn't know how to proceed with it.

Yeong-gi looks surprised by your question, but then smiles his usual cheery grin. "All kinds but mostly pop!"

"Oh really? Me too, I like all kinds of music." You smile, but you were lying a little because your most beloved music is always and forever (favorite music). "Favorite artist?"

"Ed Sheeran!"

"..." You didn't know what to say. "Ed Sheeran..?"

"Yea! Why?" Yeong-gi smiles brightly, but when you start laughing, he falters. "What?"

"Pfft- That's hilarious because you kinda look like him." you say as you fail trying to contain your laughter.

"Like Ed Sheeran?" the ginger asks and you nod.

He pouts at your reaction. "Hey, that's not funny."

"Haha yes it is"

"No it's not!

"Yes it is!"

"Hey, come on now!"


It felt nice teasing him, but seeing the frown on his face, you couldn't but say what's truly on your mind. "But you're definitely attractive in your own way though."

He pauses, and turns to you with wide eyes, while your face flushes, deeply embarrassed by what you said. So you add some mirth to your next words.

"Even if you have the same hair as him."


You laugh again, and this time he starts laughing as well.


It was another nice sunny day and you were hanging out with Yeong-gi, Dieter, and Soushi in the cafe you all usually go to. 

Although you've known them for about 2 weeks now, it still felt a little awkward to be the only girl in a group of guys. Yes, they're great people and you loved hanging out with them, but sometimes there are topics that only interest the three of them, so you would be forced out of the conversations (even though they don't mean to leave you out).

"So, Dieter, tell us about the girl you like. The one from your school." Yeong-gi grins, teasingly punching Dieter's shoulder, who blushes upon the question. 

"Hold on. You have a crush?" your eyes widen as you look at Dieter with sudden interest. "You better tell me about it now."

"He's liked her since like... 5th grade I think?" Soushi says as he sips his boba.

"Whoa fr?" You were much more interested in this now. Dieter was still blushing and didn't stop even as he explained. 

"Yea.. her name's Shin-ae Yoo. We go to the same school and are in the same class too..." Dieter trails off, too embarrassed to continue. 

At his hesitation, both you and Yeong-gi laugh simultaneously, both finding it cute that Dieter is such a strong guy physically but is a shy person mentally. 

"What do you like about her?" Yeong-gi asks, while you listen curiously, forgetting all about thoughts of delicious food. 

"Well she... Um, there was this time when I first ever transferred here, and these kids were being racist to me I guess." Dieter begins, to which you frown. 'Man people really suck..'. "I think it was about to get physical, and trust me I could have handled it if it did, but before they could do anything Shin-ae pops up and insults them and they end up running after her instead."

Dieter chuckles as he finishes. "I don't even know why she did that, but I've liked her ever since."

"Did you two ever talk?" you ask, now interested in the conversation. 

"No..." Dieter replied, a bit embarrassed by his own shyness. "I want to, but I get super nervous.."

"Understandable", you sweatdrop. You understood that Diteter is also an introvert to some point, even though he's not as introverted as you are. 

"Hmm? Wait Y/n, have you had a crush before??" Yeong-gi asks casually, smiling cheekily. 

You were about to gasp and refuse with everything you've got, but just then you notice a gorgeous girl from the corner of your eye. She completely diverted your attention from everyone at your table, and your jaw dropped at her beauty. 

"Whoah.." you say as you stare at the girl with soft, long black hair and amber eyes. She was sitting by herself at a nearby table, face frowning as if she wasn't having a good day. 'I wonder what happened..'

Your reaction caused the others to look towards her as well, and then all of you were staring at the girl in awe. You hoped no one looked at your table. You didn't want yourself or your friends to seem creepy. 

Yeong-gi glances your way, then back at the girl and smiles. "Let's invite her here."

"Huh?" The other two were as startled as you were. 

"She seems lonely. Why not make a new friend?" Yeong-gi looks at you pointedly, as if he knew what you were thinking minutes ago. In response to Yeong-gi, Dieter smiles and Soushi shrugs.

"Sure" you say, curious about the girl. 


Yeong-gi then makes his way over to the girl, who seemed surprised by his sudden appearance. They talk for a moment, then a grinning Yeong-gi points to the table you were all seated at. The girl looks over with surprise and you wave with a smile while the other two also smile in a friendly manner. She seems to hesitate, but Yeong-gi, being the persistent guy he is, managed to persuade the girl, and soon she was sitting next to you at the table. 

"Everyone, this is Alyssa Cho! She's in the same grade as us (besides Soushi) and doesn't have any friends." Yeong-gi announces proudly, to which you, Dieter, and Soushi sweatdrop.

"I don't think that's as positive as you make it seem..." Dieter says, feeling bad Alyssa. 

"Why? That just means she's now our friend!" Yeong-gi just won't stop being positive, but it wasn't really helping the new girl. 

You look at Alyssa with a smile to ease her nervous state. "Alyssa, I'm Y/n, and that's Dieter and Soushi." you say as you point to each person. 

"Hey! What about me?" Yeong-gi pouts.

"I thought you already introduced yourself.." you say, furrowing your brows. 

"I did.., but still!" 

"Really now?.." you sigh. 

"Thanks for having me here", Alyssa smiles when your banter is over. Based on how you both conversed, she believed you and Yeong-gi were a couple.

"No problem dude", Soushi replies, and Dieter nods.

"So, why were you over there by yourself? Everything alright?" Dieter asks, and you listen closely.

"Ah it's just... something big happened in my life recently so I'm processing it." Alyssa says, looking away. You wonder if she means someone's death or something just as bad. 

"I'm sorry to hear that." Dieter says sympathetically. 

"Oh no, it's nothing too important don't worry", Alyssa chuckles. 

The conversation continued on as you all started to get to know Alyssa better, and before leaving you had all exchanged numbers and such, to continue meeting up. 

You were glad that your friend group seems to be increasing with amazing people, and looked forward to the days ahead of you. 

Except you didn't know there was going to be a lot more shit to deal with later on...


Smol A/N: I decided to not use a pic of Alyssa because she sucks, treats everyone like crap, and doesn't deserve it :P

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