Chapter 5: Feelings

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It's already been a few months since you've met and been friends with Yeong-gi, Dieter, Soushi, and Alyssa.

A lot has happened in these last few months.

You all became closer, for instance. Especially you and Alyssa, having girl outing days and everything.

And some people became even closer. So much that they started dating.

You were happy for them, really.

You were glad that Alyssa and Yeong-gi were now a happy couple.

When you had asked him if he liked Alyssa, Yeong-gi with a smile, had told you at school, "No one ever told me they liked me before, so when Alyssa asked me out... I felt like I had to say yes. She was first of all really pretty and talented and second of all.. I didn't want to upset her. Besides, I've always wanted to experience dating anyways. A person who I can call my own... It feels nice."

And before that, one of the days you were hanging out, Alyssa had told you about her crush on Yeong-gi. "He's super friendly and handsome too. I've never had so much fun when hanging out with someone... Hey, Y/n, should I tell him?"

Obviously you had encouraged Alyssa, even though you felt unhappy inside. She was your friend before anything, and he was too. You wanted them to be happy.

At your encouragement, Alyssa has said "You know, when I first met you all... I thought you and Yeong-gi were together. Imagine my shock when you both denied it. And now you are even encouraging me to confess. I'm glad I have such a great friend!'

After that, you laughed along with her, and the next day she confessed and they both got together.

But a part of you still regrets not letting your feelings for Yeong-gi be known sooner. 'If I had confessed before all this... Would you have accepted?'

You frown and look down at your feet, regretting not telling him.

"Y/n! Are you coming??" Your mother yelled from downstairs, to which you yell back.

"Yes mom!" you rush out of your room and down the stairs, where your mother was waiting for you in her red Dior dress and her personalized feather mask. When she sees your outfit for today, she frowns deeply.

"Are you really going to wear that?" she asks as she eyes your f/c dress from a regular brand.

"It's comfortable."

She groans and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Then try to stay away from me so I don't get embarrassed..."

'That's exactly what I want too!'

She looks back at you and raises her brow. "Where's your mask?"

"Oh! Right here!" you exclaim as you fish your f/c mask out of the pocket of your dress. Your mother looks extremely disappointed but doesn't say anything.

"Let's go then"

You follow her as she goes outside your big house and into the car she rented for today, putting the mask on your face.


You step out with your mother when you arrive, and as you were walking inside, you notice three girls outside, fussing about something. 

Upon looking closer, you notice that one of them (the one with auburn hair and red eyes) was wearing a mask that was... 

"Pfft-" you couldn't help but let out a laugh at her unevenly cut paper mask. 

The three girls notice your laughter, and two of them sweatdrop as the auburn one starts to get mad. Your mother had already left you, too embarrassed to walk in with you. 

"What's your deal? Are you making fun of us?" the auburn haired girl puts up a fist, while the other two hold her back.

 "Oh, I'm not making fun of you, it's just-" you sweatdrop. "Your mask is... interesting."

"Haha, she wants to be a comedian when she's older, so she's practicing right now." the girl with short, light brown hair says nervously, trying to push the auburn haired one inside the hall.

"Hey Maya! What the hell?!"

"Let's just go without making a fuss." the girl with blue hair says quietly, dragging the other two inside. 

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