Chapter 3: Yeong-Gi

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You wave to Yeong-Gi when he enters the classroom, and he grins bright as he always does, turning towards you as he walks. But soon, he was surrounded by students yet again, and it took him 5 whole minutes to navigate through them to you. He sighs as he sits down beside you.

"Damn", you say, not with surprise but with pity instead. In response, he smiles back.

"I've gotten used to it"

"I bet", you didn't know if he meant it jokingly or seriously.

"Anyways, how's your day?!", he turned to you with his usual wide grin.

"It just started, but it's good so far I guess?"

"Must be nice", he laughs.

"What do you mean?" you raise a brow, suddenly concerned at what he said. "Are you not having a good day?"

Yeong-gi doesn't answer immediately, taking a moment to stay quiet. Eventually, he responds, once again with that bright grin.

"I am now"

At that, you blush and turn away, hoping your hair would cover your red face. Not only that no one's said that to you before, somehow Yeong-gi saying something like that increased your heart rate, and you were sure no other person would be able to do that. 'No way...', you think with wide eyes, face still covered from Yeong-gi. 'Don't tell me that I-'

"Are you good?" the ginger asks with concern.

"Oh yea!", you turn to him quickly to respond, then realize how immediate your response was. "I- I mean, I just dazed off, sorry."

"Oh ok", Yeong-gi was back to smiling. "By the way, how did you find Dieter and Soushi? Were they alright?"

"Definitely! I can see us all being friends", you grin back.

"That's great! So-" and off he went with his rambling about things, while you listened patiently and commented when you needed to.

Nearby, there were a group of students that were glaring at you and Yeong-gi. They didn't like the fact that Yeong-gi wanted to be friends with you when you never tried, but didn't want to be friends with any of them, who tried to speak to him everyday.

"That spoiled brat Yeong-gi", they whispered. "How come she gets to be close with him but not us?!"

"I know right? We've always tried to include him in our parties and other gatherings, but he never once accepted us, but he desperately wants to hang out with that new brat kid."

"Yes, we've been real nice but it seems it just won't kick in."

"Maybe it's time we stopped being nice."

"I agree, both those brats are starting to get on my nerves now."

"But.. what will happen if his parents find out? They are literally Mr. and Mrs. Hirahara. They can do anything to us!"


"Wait. Haven't you idiots heard about the rumor??"

"What rumor?"

"That brat Yeong-gi moved here for a reason. I heard he went to jail before for getting into severe violence with another kid. Maybe he killed the kid, who knows?"

"Oh my god.. What? That's terrifying."

"Yea, and apparently, his parent's don't care about him or something. I mean, have any of you ever seen his parents at the award ceremonies or other events?"


"So see? They don't care about him, but even if we did start being mean to him, who knows what he'll do? He killed someone before after all... Probably has severe anger issues-"

The whispering all shushed down when you glared at them. Eyes sharp as dagger with a certain anger in them. You couldn't hear what they were saying and you were pretty sure Yeong-gi couldn't either, but they kept glancing towards you and Yeong-gi as they spoke, and it annoyed you. 'Can't you brainless heads just leave us alone?', you think with a deep frown.

The students sweatdropped and moved away from the classroom, still huddled together. You were glad they left, and continued to listen to Yeong-gi, who thankfully didn't seem to notice.

As you listened, you thought about the students that were previously and obviously whispering about you and Yeong-gi. You wondered why. It wasn't like you or Yeong-gi bothered any of them. You mind your own business all day and so does Yeong-gi. So why would they be so negative when talking about you or him? 'Hmmm...'

Maybe they're just like that? Yes, that must be it. Because if not, you have no idea why else they are disturbed by the both of you.

* * * *

It was lunch time and as usual Yeong-Gi and you were sitting together. It's been days now since you both became friends and everyday the two of you only got closer. Everyday, you end up spending almost the whole day with Yeong-gi, as school in Korea is longer than other countries and you stay in one class all day, with him right next to you.

Life was more fun with friends, you had to admit. You weren't at home all day anymore and Yeong-gi and the others were quite humorous, making the time you spend with them memorable. 

Of course, you remember having friends before, but they weren't really ever true friends. At least, they didn't think of you as much as you thought of them. They ditched you as soon as new, better people arrived. 

But you could tell Yeong-gi, Dieter, and Soushi weren't like that. You feel like they would actually come help if you ever need it. But then again, you can't be too sure of it, because you know more than anyone that people can change overnight. 

You shook your head, pausing as you eat. 'Don't think of such things. Let's try to stay positive. You know they are good people.

Yeong-Gi raised his brow at your sudden hesitation. "Are you okay?"

"Yea", you nod, and resume eating. But Yeong-gi was still suspicious. 

"You've been weird today. Are you sure you're ok?" he pressed, a look of concern on his face. You open your mouth to speak, but he beats you to it with a frown. "And don't even think about lying to me. I can see through it."

Your eyes widen in surprise, then you sigh as you respond. "I just saw some students whispering while looking in out direction so it kinda bothered me a little I guess." you shrug, being careful not to let your doubts of him slip out. 

"Oh..", he turned away and frowned deeply at what you said. "They did that huh.."

You notice his deflated posture and lean in to see his expression. His face was upset and bothered. Most likely due to what you said. 

Seeing his expression, you hurriedly think of something to say. "Hey, it's not that bad. They probably weren't even talking about you or me. No need to worry about it."

"I'm not worried about it. I've grown too used to it to be worried. I'm just concerned because it bothered you." he turns to you and tilts his head. 

Once again, you were surprised, along with another feeling you couldn't quite describe. It seems to be embarrassment or something like that. You turn away and clear your throat. "No, not really. I don't care about it."

"Really?" when you nod, he grins bright and goes back to his cheery self. "Then I don't care about it either!"

'His positivity is astonishing', you thought in amazement. Yeong-gi was a person full of surprises always. You wondered what other things you will discover about him as you two continue being friends. 

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