Child of Weakness

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Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that I didn't update as soon as I promised. Yet another picture from picture Pinterest, this one is from Lance Corporal Levi. But heres another chapter.

Why was my mind so foggy and why can't I think clearly. I must be more tired than I thought but I had to push on. After I finished my meal the masked man stood and asked me to follow him to back to my chambers. I followed him without making the action conscious, once inside the room he opened the dressers and pulled out a dress. 

"I'm afraid that this might be a bit big but I don't have any other women's clothing down here. It's been awhile since anyone other than myself down here. He said as he handed me the dress.

"Oh, thank you." My mouth was thinking on its own again. Why isn't my brain working right. I know I wasn't drunk, I know what that felt like and it wasn't this. I've never been drugged before, but there is a first for everything, I know the symptoms of being drugged and this fit the descriptions. But how would of he drugged me? I haven't drunk anything since I came here and bread and cheese aren't exactly easy to hide a powder in. 

While I was thinking I didn't notice the man room, probably to give me privacy to change. I looked down at the dress in my arms. It was nicer than anything I had ever owned. It was dark blue with black lace around the bottom of the skirt that barely brushed the floor as well as around the collar of the neck. I slipped off my dress but left my corset on, knowing that the waist of the dress would call for a slight figure. As I pulled it over my head I realised that there was laces on the back that would be tightened once it was on.

Once it was on, I reached around back to tighten it, I realised that I couldn't lace it as tightly as I needed it to be, so I tied it as tightly as I could and made it do. I looked down at myself and realised that I was still barefoot and dirty underneath the dress. I was afraid I was I going to ruin the dress just by wearing it. Before I could continue my train of thought there was a knock on the door.

"Mademoiselle, are you down changing?" The man called through the door. Even though he was on the other side of the door his voice wasn't muffled at all. As if he was standing right next to me. 

"Yes, sir I am. You may come in if you wish." Stupid mouth! Why aren't you listening to me? The door opened to reveal the man, he had removed his cloak but still had his under coat on.

"I apologize for my earlier actions." He said. I was confused, his earlier actions? He hadn't done anything to offend me or harm me.

"For what Monsieur? Haven't offended me in any way?" I asked him, my mind was slowly clearing up and my mouth returning to my control.

"For hypnotizing you." He said shortly without any other explanation. I knew about hypnotism. One of the many troops I traveled with had a man who make a man think he was an animal. I realised he must of down so when he was singing, the lyrics rang in my mind, haunting and dark.

I was mad because I had let my guard go down even for a couple minutes of weakness and mad at him for taking advantage of my weakness.

I know I haven't updated for a long time and I don't have a very good excuse other than I had a writers block. I'm sorry I haven't updated and I promise that I will update more often. I hope you all had a wonderful Fourth of July and are enjoying the summer. Here in Missouri I about to start building an ark, just in case. Thats it for now. Love. Peace. Hair Grease.

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