A New World

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"Y/N!" You hear your mother's voice calling you from another room.

You sigh dramatically as you had just plopped you butt onto the comfiest spot on the couch, and you were in the middle of watching the first episode of Total Drama Island, you were up to the bit where they had just introduced everyone.

You reach out to pause the video on your phone, but instead of the video pausing, your finger went straight through the screen.

You gasp, then pinch yourself to see if your dreaming, but your not..

This is real.

Traveling into alternate universes was unheard of. You could only dream of it, and yet, it was happening to you this very second.

You think for a moment, weighing up your options.

You could either compete on total drama island and possibly win 1,000,000 dollars!

Or you could go and do whatever boring task your mother has set for you.

After making your decision you stick your hand in, then your arm and somehow fit your whole body through.

On the other side you find yourself standing on a boat, and island Wawanakwa in the distance slowly coming into view.

✨️End of chapter one! Oh yeah >:))) Sorry this chapter was a little short, hopefully the next on will be longer. I'll try to keep this updated as soon as I can! ✨️

See you next time, hehe >:))) 

 - Pink_lions

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