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Play the song when you see this ----> 😃👍🎶

You woke up. Getting out of bed, you scan the cabin to see if anyone is around. The only person you could see was Gwen, and she was in a deep sleep. You then take out some clothes from your bag and lay them out on your bed. You then pull up your shirt, tossing it over your head and onto the floor. You then start to reach for the back of your bra to undo it when a voice stops you.

"You know I'm right here, Y/n?!" Heather says, annoyed, but you could see a faint redness in her cheeks.

"Sorry Heather, I didn't see you there, now can you get out." You say, barely awake.

"Excuse me?!" Heather says, narrowing her eyes.

"Unless you want to see me get dressed..."

"Ugh, whatever..." Heather mumbles.

Crossing her arms, she walks towards the door.

You finish getting changed, you then wake Gwen up, and you both walk over to the main lodge for breakfast. When you get there, you all sit down around the table. (You sit next to Gwen, opposite Heather.

"Hey, fish heads, way to kick out your strongest player!" You hear Heather yell. You knew what was happening next, so you quickly made Gwens head duck down again. You just ended up getting hit with the slop instead.

"Missed m-" Heather paused when she saw your face covered in a weird, unedable muck. She then walked over to the napkins and took a few.

"Here." She says, holding the napkins out in front of you. You take a napkin and try to wipe off the slop, but end up missing your face entirely and brushing the napkin past your ear. "Ugh, you idiot." Heather mumbles, then starts to gently clean your face with the napkin.

"Thanks, Heath." You say before dropping your head back down on the table in your arms.

"Don't mention it." Heather says, turning away from you and sitting back in her seat.

Chris then walks into the main lodge, claping his hands, trying to get everyones attention. "Okay, campers, listen up. Your next challenge starts in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it."


You all arrive at an outdoor dodgeball court, Duncan is the last one to get there.

"Wake me up, and it will be the last thing you ever do." Duncan says, threatening his teammates.

"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is.." Chris starts.

Don't talk about dodgeball? Noah interrupts, making him and Owen laugh.

"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball." Chris says, throwing the ball at Courtney, which punches her in the stomach, knocking all the air out of her lungs. "You're out!"

"You can't do that!" Courtney complained. She then threw the ball at Chris.

"And if you catch the ball." He says while catching the ball Courtney just threw. "Then the thrower gets sent out, and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court." Chris explains.

"Throwing ball, gee another mentality challenging test." Noah says, you could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I know, right?!" You hear Lindsay say.

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