Not So Happy Campers pt.2

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"So... who wants to go first?" Bridgette asks as she looks down at the death-defying drop.

"Hey.. don't sweat it, guys. i heard they make the interns do it first to make sure it's survivable." Owen says reassuringly.

"So who up?" Eva asks.

"Ladies first~" Duncan says in a flirty voice, glancing at Courtney. You just roll your eyes.

"Fine, I'll go. It's no big deal." Bridgette says nervously."Just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks. She then dives into the water and makes it into the middle circle, earning her team a point.

"Yeah! I'm next!" Tyler yells, "KOWABUNGA! He then launches himself off the cliff edge into the water. "OW!" You hear him yell. He had just hit a buoy flouting in the water, but he managed to slide off of it and into the water, earning their team another point.

After Tyler, Geoff, Eva, and Duncan all jumped, and all made it. 

"Nu uh, no way am I jumping." D.J. says

"Aw, scared of heights?" Chris asks in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yeah, ever since I was a kid..."D.J. replies

"That's okay, big guy..." Chris says, still with that voice."That also makes you a chicken, so you'll have to wear this for the rest of the game." Chris says, placing a chicken hat on top of D.J's head while laughing.

"Aw man, for real?" D.J. says sadly. Chris then starts making chicken noises just to mock him.

"That means the chicken path is that way!" Says Chris, pointing to an escalator.

"Since when was that there!" You exclaim.

"I have no idea.."Gwen answers.

Ezekiel goes to jump and says yeeehaw the whole way down," then gets hit by a rock, but still makes it. Harold then jumps doing the splits, which is the worst thing you can do when jumping off a cliff. You cringe a little as he hits the water.

Courtney chose the chicken route because she doesn't think anyone from our team will jump. Well, you'll just have to prove her wrong.

Sadie and Katie start to beg Chris to swap teams, and then Izzy says, "I'll swap with them." Which finally gets them to stop.

Katie and Sadie hold hands and jump, making it into the small ring.

"Screaming Goffers your up next. If you beat the Killer Bass, I'll even throw in a wagon for your boxes." Chris says

"Nice, so who's up first?" Trent asks us all.

"No way am I jumping this." Heather says. Leshawna and Heather then start to argue.

"Heather and Leshawna arguing is actually pretty intertaining." You whisper to Gwen, nudging her with your elbow.

"I know!" Gwen whispers back. You both start giggling together. 

"You know... your hair is really beautiful.." Gwen says, smiling at you. You feel heat rising to your cheeks.

"You think?" You say, a little embarrassed. Gwen looks at you straight into your eyes.

"Of course." Gwen replies. Her eyes twinkling, staring into yours.

"Uh.. guys?" Trent says, waving a hand in front of both of your faces. Until that moment, you didn't realise how close your faces were. "It's our turn to jump." He finishes. You look around to see that the only people left are you, Gwen, Trent, and Owen.

"You nervous?" Gwen asks you, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"A little.." You admit

"Take my hand. We can jump together." Gwen says, offering her hand to you. You take ahold of her hand, squeezing it tight in yours. You both then jump and end up making it in the small ring.

It's now Owen's turn. He put on arm floaties and walks backward, clenching his hands into fists. He then starts to run full speed to the edge and jumps.

He manages to make it, but he also manages to send everyone floating away by the small tsunami he created.

                                                            ✨️ >:)))✨️

49 bottles of pop on the wall!....

"Ugh, I can't take anymore of this!" You say to Gwen

"Yeah..hey Y/N, you know what would be more fun?" Gwen asks

"What?" You say

"Sneaking off and hanging out, just the two of us." Gwen whispers 

"Sure, why not!" You say,"Hey Beth, can you carry my crate? Thanks. " You take Gwen's hand and run off in the derection of the beach.

 "We're already in our swimsuit, so let's go swim." You say to Gwen. 

You and Gwen entered the ocean, you spashed her, she spashed you back, until it turned into a full-on water war of splashing each other. Gwen then starts to make a sand castle on the beach. You sneak up behind her and are about to surprise her when suddenly she grabs your wrists and pushes you to the ground.

"You goof, I could see your reflection in the water." Gwen laughs. You both start to laugh, then slowly stop, looking into each other's eyes, your faces inching closer and closer.

"GWEN, Y/N, where are y-" Trent stops mid-sentence when he sees us on the sand, Gwen on lying on top of you, holding  your wrists, your faces only inches apart.

"Woah, was I interrupting something?!" Trent asks, confused.

"Augh, NO! Trent, it's not what it looks like, we were- I just-" Gwen says, lifting her face away from yours.

"Well, come on then, the groups waiting for you guys back at camp." Trent says.


"Remember,  you can only use your teeth to open the crates!" Chris says happily "I came up with that one."

"Hey, I found them." Trent  announces 

"Took you long enough!" Heather snaps back. "What exactly were you two doing?"

"None of your business, Heather." You reply.

"Oh, I think I got it!" Izzy says with a mouthful of rope.

Izzy's box fell open to reveal the filter for the hot tub.

"Ow! Rope burn on my tongue!" Izzy says, sticking out her tongue for everyone to see.

Once all of the crates were open you notice Heather talking to Leshawna, you knew she was trying to trick Leshawna, but you didn't really care that much. Your hot tub was almost complete, and looking at the other teams, you were definitely winning this.

Soon it was time for judging, Chris first looks at your teams hot tub, smiles the says "This is an awesome hot tub." He then walks over to the other team's hot tub to find a seagul floating in the water. Sadly the duck tape couldn't hold everything together and it ended up collapsing.

"Well, I think we have a winner here..." Chris starts "The Screaming Goffers!"

"Yes!" You say. You were a little worried that you might not have won if you snuck out with Gwen but it turned out alright.

                                                            ✨️>:)))✨️ ☆Later at night☆

Everyone in the Screaming Goffers were gathered in or around the hot tub and we were all celebrating. You were sitting on the left side of the hot tub next to Gwen, who is standing outside.

"To the Screaming Goffers! Says Cody.

"TO THE SCREAMING GOFFERS!" Yelled everyone.

Owen, Leshawna and Noah starts to dance and chant in sync "Go Goffers!"

✨️BOOM! 3rd Chapter done! Next chapter will be focused more on your relationship with  Heather. Thanks so much if you read this, because I love writing this >:)))✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye!


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