The Big Sleep pt.1

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I was midnight, you knew what challenge it was tomorrow but you still couldn't get to sleep. You quietly climbed down the bunk bed ladder and opened the door. Outside, there was a cool summer breeze that just barely made your hair dance in the wind.

"You couldn't sleep either?" You heard a voice coming from the corner of the porch, where it was darkest.

"Who's there?" You ask, your voice a little shaky.

"It's just me, Y/N" says Heather stepping out into the moonlight, her voice was softer than usual and she didn't have that mean tone in her voice like she normally does, almost as if she'd been.. crying?!..

"Heather, have you been -" You start.

"Why are you up?" Asks Heather, this time, in a more harsh tone.

"Can't sleep." You reply, sitting down on the steps, Heather followed. She seemed sadder than usual.

"Hey, what are yo-?!" 

You cut her off by lifting your arms up from your side and wrapping them around Heather.

"Heather, I know you were crying..." You say.

"Ugh, whatever Y/N...just..don't tell anyone about that." She whispers to you.

She then, slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep, resting her head on your shoulder. You look down and notice her arms wrapped around your waist.

"Guess she didn't mind the hug after all." You thought. 

You bring her closer to you and start to fall asleep, your head resting on hers.


You wake up the next morning from a loud alarm by Chris, it only made Heather mumble a bit, then bury her face into your shirt.

"Do I look like a farmer to you?!" Leshawna yelled out of her window at Chris, then stop after she saw you and Heather on the porch. "Wow, did not expect that, Y/N and Heather." She says. 

"Huh?" Mutters Heather, finally opening her eyes. "AAHG, ew me and Y/N are NOT a thing, Leshawna," She says, snatching her arms away from your waist and pinning them to her side.

"You sure? Cause it didn't look like that a minute ago." Leshawna insists. Heather's cheeks start to burn a bright red, yours did too.

"I'm sure." You reply, trying to sound calm, but on the inside you were screaming.

"Whatever you say" Leshawna says while walking off.

We should probably get changed into some clothes." You say to Heather, before standing up.

"Whatever.." You hear her reply.


Everyone gathers around where Chris is standing, you stand next to Eva who is blasting her music. Cody trys to take it, which just ends up with Eva trying to bite his hand off.

"Morning! Hope you slept well!" Chris says way too cheerfully.

"Hi, Chris, you look really buff in those shorts." Heather says, trying her best to suck up to Chris.

"I know." Chris says winking. 🤨🤯 "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your first challenge begins in exactly one minute."

"Excuse me, I don't think that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen says

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