Movie Night?

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You were lying in bed thinking about last night. Your head was spinning. What were you thinking?! This could seriously mess up the outcome of this show! You thought.

"Hey, Y/N!" You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Gwen's voice. "Do you want to go swimming with me? " She asked you.

"Sure." You replied.

"Well then, hurry up and get changed, I haven't got all day." Gwen laughed.

"Well then, hurry up on getting out of the cabin so I can change!" You say teasingly.

Gwen turned her head away from you, trying to hide her blush. "Yep, heading out now." She says, flustered.

You quickly get changed into your favorite bikini, making sure to put on sunscreen and grabbing your sunglasses when you head out the door. Gwen was waiting by a nearby tree, when she saw you, her eyes widened, she couldn't take her eyes off you.

"Wow, you look gorgeous." She finally says.

"Thanks." You say, a little embarrassed.

You both walked over to the dock and jumped in, and just like before, a water fight started, except this time, she splashed you first. Gwen spashes you again and tries to swim away to the edge of the dock, but you grabbed her ankle before she could get away and dragged her underwater with you. You start fighting, playfully slapping each other's hands and arms until you need to come up for air.

"I think I might dry off now." You say.

"Alright, I think I will too then." Gwen says in response.

"Oh crap.." You mutter.

"What is it?" 

"I forgot my towel, I'm just gonna go back and get it." 

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

You walk over in the derection of the cabins when you come across Heather.

"Hey, Y/N-" Heather paused when she saw what you were wearing, the pale skin on her face quickly became a crimson colour, her body went stiff and her eyes went wide and were fixated on you. 

"Woah, that's.. um.." It seemed as if Heather had forgotten how to speak. "I have to go." Heather says awkwardly before heading off in the opposite direction.

You enter the cabin and grab your towel, which was folded on your bed, then quickly run back to the dock. 

You could see Gwen there, sitting on the edge of the dock staring off into the distance. You had to fight the erdge to push her into the water.

"Hey, Gwen." You say.

"Oh, hi." Gwen says, turning to face you. You sit down beside Gwen, dangling your legs off the edge of the dock. Gwen rested her head on your shoulder and closed her eyes.

"It's so hot today." Gwen says, smiling. A piece of Gwen's hair covered her face, you brushed it out the way and tucked it behind her ear. The sun was setting and it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.

"Alrighty campers, tonight ther will not be a challenge, but instead, a movie night!" Chris announces on the speaker. "Meet me at the campfire in five."

You and Gwen stand up, first walking over to the cabins to quickly grab a t-shirt you can throw on, then make your way to the campfire.


Alrighty campers, this movie night is a little different, instead of watching a normal movie, me and Chef have compiled a load of awkward and embarrassing moments and even some secrets your fellow campers might not know about! Chris says when everyon made it to the campfire.

All that you could think about was if Chris knew about the kiss you and Eva shared.

Chef pushed In a projector screen and soon the "movie" started to play, every thing was boring until it got to Gwen. It was her in the confessional.

"At first when I arrived here I was kinda into Trent, but now, there's someone else. She's so sweet and funny and I just love her"

The next scene was of Gwen holding your wrists, lying on top of you when you snuck off that one time.

You looked away from the video to see Gwen blushing like crazy, she was hugging her legs close to her chest. Next was Heather, it was a confessional.

"So, I thought I was straight, but clearly not! Why was I blushing! And why does Chris keep putting me in awkward situations with her that make me question my sexuallity!?" 

The video then cut to another clip, it was inside the freezer.

"Oh no." You thought. You looked over at Heather who was also blushing a lot, she was also chewing on her fingernails. There were a lot of gasps when Heather fell asleep on you, and  someone even said "so that's why Heather had your hoodie!" Chris was right, this was embarrassing.

Next was you. You inhaled, preparing yourself for the embarrassment.

The first scene was a confessional. 

After last night, my head is spinning, what do I do?! I don't regret it though, do I? 

"Whew" You exhaled, everyone around you looked confused.

Then the next scene started, it was at night on the dock. Oh no, no no no... they wouldn't show this right?! It felt as if someone had snatched the air from your lungs, you took big deep breaths as you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.

"Who's ther- oh it just you.." Eva says, blushing. "We'll probably never see each other again, and I'll regret this for the rest of my life if i don't ask you, so.. um... can I..kiss you?

Everyone's jaw dropped, there were lots of gasps and "no way!"

As Eva and you shared a passionate kiss, everyone's eyes were on you. You looked over at Heather who looked almost.. jealous?! No, you must be seeing things or something, there's no way Heather would be jealous. 


When it was over you walked back to the cabins, once you were inside, you got quite a few weird stares and glances. Heather then grabbed your hand.

"I need to talk to you." She says, dragging you out the door.

It was eleven 'o clock at night, there was a cool summer breeze in the air, but it was still warm.

"Did that- " Heather paused, wondering if she should finish the rest of her sentence. "Did that kiss mean anything to you?" She asks, nervously.

"Well.. me and Eva aren't dating... I don't know.." You say, trailing off at the end. Heather seemed to be a bit angry, she sat down on the steps, you follow. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask her, placing a hand on Heather's shoulder.

"Not really." Heather admitts. "I kind of accidentally came out as bi to international TV."

"Well, welcome to the team, then." You say, smiling, you didn't really know what else to say.

"Wait, your bi too?" Heather exclaims.

"Lesbo actually, but yeah." You knew saying that,might cheer her up, but you didn't expect her to be this happy about it.

"Um.. I have to go." Heather says, hiding the blush on her face.

✨️Yet another chapter finished, and now I can finally say that I do not hate Duncan! Sry to all the Duncan lovers for hating on him, Now he is just a neutral character to me. Also you may or may not end up dating Heather🤯✨️

An-knee-Wayz, bye! >:)))

-Pink lions

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