Not So Happy Campers pt.1

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As you approach the island, you can hear an iconic voice that wouldn't make total drama what it is today.


"And our last camper is... Y/N!" Chris announces a little too enthusiasticly for you liking. You look around to see the other contestants all staring at you, some a little more judging than others, cough cough..Heather..cough.

"Nice to meet you all." You lie. Of course, it was a dream come true to meet some of them, but others.. not so much. You step off the boat and make your way to the others when your shoe gets caught on one of the loose planks of the dock.

Your body tenses up and you shut your eyes tight, you wait for your body to be slammed against the hard wood, but it doesn't, you open your eyes only to find that someone has caught you.

"Are you okay?" Eva asks you, her arms wrapped around your waist, holding you up.

"Um.. yeah, thanks for catching me." You reply, staring into her eyes.

"Alright then." She mumbles, looking away from your gaze and letting go of you.

"Can you love birds shut it, I want to take a photo of all of you!" Chris interrupts, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Say that one more time, Mclean.." Eva threatens as she stomps over to where Chris is. "..and your dead."

Chris pushes her away, "Alrighty campers, how about that photo." His voice was an octave higher than usual, after being scared by Eva.

Everyone gave an annoyed sigh or groan before heading to the end of the dock. Luckily, you already know what's about to happen, so you're the only one who doesn't stand with everyone else.

"Oh, come on, Y/N, let's get this over and done with." Courtney says as she takes your hand. Before you could protest about how it's a terrible idea for everyone to stand on an unstable dock in the same spot, she had already dragged you to the end of the dock.

"Everyone, say Wawanakwa!" Chris yells

WAWANAKW- the dock makes a loud creaking sound before crashing down into the water. You feel someone grapping your hand before picking you up and then swimming to shore. You look over to see who saved you, and it was none other than Eva. You both sit there, gasping for breath, her arms still around you.

"Thank you again." You finally say.

"No problem." Eva replies, a small smile slowly making it's way onto her face.

Eva stands up, bringing you with her. "Um.. Eva." You say

"Yeah?" She responds

"Could you put me down?" You ask

"Oh, uh.. sure.." Eva had only just realised she was still holding you in her arms. She puts you back down on the ground as her cheeks begin to burn a bright red.

"Alrighty campers, you have ten minutes to dry off, then meet me back at the campfire.

✨️ >:))) ✨️

(✨️A/N I can't be bothered writing Chris explaining the island layout, so I'm not gonna >:)✨️)

If I call your name, please stand up. Justin, Owen, Leshawna, Noah, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Beth, Lindsay, and Katie. You guys are now... The Screaming Goffers!

And the other team is.. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, and Harold! You guys will be... the killer bass!

"What about me?" You ask

"Um... You can join the Screaming Goffers." Chris responds back.

"But the teams will be uneven!" Courtney argues.

"Too bad, oh soo sad, Courtney. >:D" Chris laughs."Alright, let's find your cabins, Goffers, you're in the east cabin, bass, you're in the west.

"Bunk beds?" Heather exclaims."Isn't this a bit.. Summer camp?"

"That's the idea, genius. Gwen says as she pushes past Heather.

You walk past Heather to see Cody trying (and failing) to make Gwen fall for him.

"Shouldn't you be on the boys' side?" You question him.

Cody is then flung out the door by the group of girls, landing, face first, onto the ground, his mouth now filled with grass.

You go outside to see Lindsay saying something face-palm worthy while Owen is trying to convince the other guys he's not gay.

"Chris, will there be any chaperones of any kind? You hear Geoff ask.

"Nah, you guys are old enough, your sixteen." Chris says in response. "You've got half an hour to unpack, then meet me back at the main lodge, starting... now!"

Suddenly, you hear a loud ear splitting scream coming from your cabin.

You look inside to see Lindsay standing on a wooden stool. You look down to see a cockroach crawling around on the ground. AAAHHHGGG!!! D.J. jumps up onto a bed, breaking it in the process.

"That was my bed." You hear Gwen say.

"Don't worry, guys, I got this." You say as you take off your shoe and slam it down on the cockroach.

Just then, Duncan walks in with an axe.

"Sorry, Duncan, looks like you're too late." You say, narrowing your eyes at him.

You make your way over to the main lodge with everyone else.

"I serve three times a day. You eat it three times a day!" Chef yells,"Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down now! ""

You line up next to Gwen when you hear her say, "I think mine just moved." You look over at her food to see a wriggling pile of redish-brown something. The chef then brings out a mallet and squashes her food, making it fly everywhere, including on you.

You groan, then wipe off the brown sludge and take a seat next to Heather.

"Um.. Who said you could sit here?!" Heather says, annoyed.

"Me." You reply, not even looking up from your food.

"Ugh, whatever." Heather mumbles.

You start eating the foul slop when Chris walks in.

"Welcome to the main lodge." Chris exclaims

"Yo, my man, can we order some pizza?" Geoff asks

Suddenly, a knife gets thrown across the room, just barely missing him, and cutting deep into the wall.

"Whoa, it's cool, G!" Geoff says, shocked at what just happened."Brown slop is cool."

"Your first challenge begins in one hour!" Chris announces as he walks out of the room.

"What do you think they'll make us do?" Asks Katie a little scared.

"It's only our first challenge, it can't be that bad, can it?" D.J says reassuringly.

But as you were climbing that hill you knew it was gonna be so much worse. D.J looks down at the water below, then finally says...

"Holy Shi-"

✨️Another chapter done! This one was mostly focused on Eva, but the next on I think will be more about Gwen. An-knee-wayz I have way too much fun writing these chapters, so this book will probably get completed😃✨️ Bye! >:)))


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