Chapter 11- Four pillars

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Go won's POV -

When i saw how elegantly she was moving and her sword creating a magical hypnotizing dance, i couldn't help but bewitched by her beauty.
No doubt she is beautiful but when i saw her today , how effortlessly she was finishing the soul eaters , i was impressed by her skills.

     But i don't know why one thing caught my attention, her aura changed totally when she picked up her sword created by her powers. I found  some of her sword moves familiar, i couldn't recall where i saw that before?

  When Gwigu comes in front of her she was frozen in her spot and when i heard Master lee's words i finally realised the situation she was in.

After putting Gwigu back inside his pot , everyone started prasing Crown Princess abilities and her strength.
     They also acknowledge my strength and powers, someone said strongest protector of our country's future.

I didn't know why but i was frequently stealing glances at her side, she looks exhausted and too weak to even walk properly.

After all the members of the Unanimous assembly leaves, mother said to go for the Royal feast tonight and also discuss some important topics.

She went unconscious and i called the physician to find ou what happened to her.

In the Medical room-

All the smells of herbs ,The Physician is using to make her gain her consious is getting on my nerves.

I was loosing my patience,it has been 2 hours still the Physician is silently taking care of her and checking her pulse continuously.

My mother sat down opposite side of her and said while caressing her face-
My daughter please wake up, please be okay.

Dad went towards mother and put his hand on her shoulders to show his support - My dear she will be alright, you saw how well she stood her ground against them. She is a strong warrior and she will wake up soon don't worry.

Mother nodded her head but still silently crying for her.

That's it.

Till when will you open your mouth and tell us what happened to her!!
I screamed at him.

The physician slightly shook his head and bowed infront of me-
I apologize Your Highness, Her highness is extremely ill right now and to cure her condition i need to know about her past collapsing situations.

I frowned - What do you mean past situations, is there any signs she has been slipped into unconscious before?

I am afraid to come to any conclusion at the moment but i can once, I have a talk with Her highness Royal Physician.

I nodded and looked towards my father and we talked in private in another room, Master Lee was also in here.

Dad- Go won-ah i think we should inform the Raon king about Crown Princess condition.

I looked down - I promised her Father that i will look after her very well and take care of her. I failed as a Son-in-law Your Majesty.

He was silent for a moment and then replied - As your King i saw how you fought well alongside Crown Princess and also you step in only when it's needed. And as Your Father i saw the compassion and care your eyes holds for your wife in the ground.

I was astonished and looked at him with widened eyes- No---no Dad it's -- it's not like that.

You are proving my point son-
Dad said with a slight smile on his face.

ONE HEART - Crown Prince GO WON x OC female Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now