07 | Tears

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I am shocked to see whatever my eyes are looking at now. Abheri, the dusky beauty is standing in front of me dressed in elegant way. She performed namaskaram to all of us. 

Despite of her high qualification and talent, she never showcased any of that and behaved very down to earth. She stood there silently. 

But I was shocked to the core. Never I thought I would face this situation.

It's not about Abheri. The girl I met in train was not Abheri. But she was right behind Abheri,in the photo that was hung on the wall. Abheri and the other girl was standing together in the photo hugging each other. 

Is she Abheri's sister? But she is not present here. I quickly wandered my eyes to confirm it. I was hesitant to ask anyone about it. 

What would they think? if I ask about her sister ,where in I have actually come to meet Abheri for marriage. 

So many thoughts ran in my mind. I wanted to first clear all those by talking with Abheri. "I want to talk with Abheri" I asked slowly to Kavita.

"mama already said I love you to my mam yesterday" Akshaya shouted. 

Abheri felt shy at her words. Her parents were little surprised to hear that. Quickly my mom cleared the confusion that I spoke with her in call yesterday.

As everyone are aware that I proposed her yesterday, they did not give me time to talk with her separately. The elders were very fast in discussing with other things. 

I saw Abheri. She was so elated  with all smiles. She indeed looked beautiful when she smiled. Whereas here I was feeling guilty of my previous act. 

Finally the elders decided to proceed with the engagement next month and would consult the astrologer for the suitable dates.

I was not given single chance to talk with Abheri alone.

We left to our house that day. Everyone with smiling face, except me with heavy heart. Heavy heart and guilt about not saying the truth to Abheri.

Reaching home, I slowly asked them about Abheri's sister . "Akka, does Abheri have any sister?" 

"yes why do you ask? " She queried me . 

But then she quickly turned again with a strong glare.

"Hey remember we are there to see Abheri and not her sister. Don't you dare to change your thoughts" Kavita warned me. 

I actually got petrified at what she spoke. " no.. no its not like that ka.. I saw her standing with another girl in the photo... hung on the wall today. So.. but she was not seen"

"yes she is her sister 'Saveri' .

"Why was she not there?" I quickly asked.

"She has got job in Bangalore. She too is a Music teacher like Abheri." Kavita was organizing the things back to the place from the bag that we brought. 

She continued, "Did you not listen to her mother telling all this? And most importantly, how will she come in front of us, when we have come to meet her sister for marriage? Its understandable da" 

"oh.. Abheri , Saveri, what a rhyming name " 

I was so lost in thoughts about Abheri earlier at her house, that I even did not listen to them telling about Saveri.

"Now what ?Do you want to know the meaning of Saveri?" Kavita asked. I am not sure if she has got any suspicion on me at this time. But her way of talking seemed to be kind of warning me. 

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