14 |Sweet Kiss

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Mukunda entered in to his first night room and was waiting , obviously impatient to meet Abheri. 

Few minutes later, Abheri came inside with the milk. Locking the door, she came near him and gave the milk. 

He received it and placed in on the nearby table. 

"Abhi, you don't need to fall on my feet to get my blessings" he spoke with a tone as in he is expecting her to do the same.

Understanding his expectation, Abheri bent her head and kneels down and touched his feet to get his blessings. 

"May you live long" he blessed her in a dramatic way and lifted her up catching  her shoulders. 

"hmm" Abheri hummed signaling him with her eyes. 

Mukunda did not get the clue. "What??" 

She signaled again with her eyes to him and down. He still did not understand. "What abhi ma? I don't understand" he asked her  perplexingly.

"fall on my feet and get my blessings" replied Abheri.

"what??" he asked shockingly.

She stood there waiting for him to fall on the feet. Understanding that she will not leave him without doing, he too fell on her feet. 

"May you live long my Husband" she too dramatically blessed him like he did.

Mukunda broke in to laughter and sat on the bed and so do Abheri beside him with a distance. 

"Abhi, indha kalla vilundha matter kadugalavu kooda velila kasiyama pathukoma.. please, I am your husband"

(Abhi, please do not reveal about me falling on your feet to others, I am your husband)

"that depends on how you behave. But there would surely be a big photo frame of you touching my feet, in the living room"

"What?? Abhi, did you take photo?" he examined her but she did not have any mobile. 

"No... Remember during our marriage, when you wore the held my toe fingers  to keep it on the ammi Kal, I will frame that one and hang it in our living room"

They both laughed for few seconds. An awkward silence prevailed between them. Neither of them don't know what to talk or do next. 

Both were sitting next to each other with a little space. Their palm fingers were mere inches from touching each other. 

To clear the awkwardness and thick air prevailing, Abheri started to talk about some random thing that happened today in the marriage. Mukunda too responded and they talked for some time.

In between he tried to touch her fingers and brushed it slightly. Feeling his touch suddenly, Abheri took her hands and placed it on her lap.

She did not look at him or say anything regarding it. Mukunda too did not do anything after that. 

Mukunda MV: "Few minutes back, out there you gave big dialogues about your first night. Whereas here you are struggling to even give a kiss" mocked his mind voice

I am being trolled by my mind voice itself. Come on you can do it Mukunda. Its just a kiss. He spoke to himself.

Few seconds later, Mukunda mustered his courage and took her left hand and entwined his fingers. Abheri looked at him. Mukunda was lost in her eye piercing fish shaped smokey eyes. 

Abheri could feel his love and intentions yet remained silent as in she is not aware of what he is trying to convey. 

She turned her face from him and bent her head down. At the same time, Mukunda tried to inch forward and give her a peck on her cheeks. 

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