09 | Feelings

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I would get a good ecg graph when I plot vote numbers from 1st chapter.


I locked myself in to my room with tears. I am the most stupid one to develop feelings on him. It's all my mistake. My brain was not working properly making me do this mistake of falling for him.

I remembered the previous days and incidents happened , thinking about my foolishness to fall for him. I regretted my previous actions.

When I was at my student's house for Golu, Mukunda's mom met me and asked if I am willing to marry her son and showed his photo.

I just a gave simple smile thinking about her innocence. She belongs to an older generation and was very pure at heart.

Else, who would say ok or even think about bringing a dusky colored girl like me as their daughter in law.

I don't want to say anything to break her heart and smiled again. Even if they are ok, obviously her son , what's his name.. hmmm Ya Mukunda, he would not agree. He is very fair in complexion, is what I thought at that moment.

The days passed and I did not bother about that. One day I saw him following me from the traffic signal.

First I thought it was some one else and did not bother much. But I drove fast.

Next few days, I saw him following me again and then I realized it is him. The one whom I saw in photo.

I was not sure if he is following me because his parents told or casually he saw me in the traffic and following me.

Whatever. But I can understand his curiosity to look at my face and talk to me. I know it will not prevail once he sees my face. Hence I ignored his follow.

But he was continuous and persistent in following me. As the days passed by, my interest on him grew.

I purposefully took ride in bike than car to see him. To see his attempts to talk to me.

Suddenly, the news about Mukunda's family asking me for marriage surfaced this time formally with my parents.

I was told that he is more interested in marrying me.

Thought it sounded good to hear and happy at heart, I wanted to confirm it once from him. I decided to wait and ask him once we meet in person.

But before that, he called me. I utilized that time and asked him 'if he is really willing to marry me or his parents forced me'.

To my shock , he proposed me. I really felt very happy to hear that. The slight fear of him rejecting me for color was gone.

I felt happy that he is not considering our color differences.

How fool I was. I should have asked him if he has seen my photo properly. Or I should have told him myself that I am dusky in color.

Every one tells that I am so intelligent and God's gifted child. But here I am, the biggest fool to fall in love. I failed and lost my intelligence in terms of feelings.

My sister Saveri is 3 years younger to me. Still we both have similar face cut and physique.

In short, I am the dusky version and she is the milky white version.

I don't know if Saveri likes him or not. But. pcch.. this should not have even happened. I am a very big fool to unnecessarily develop feelings and fall for Mukunda.

I decided to tell my dad to stop with the engagement preparations. But Saveri forbid me from doing it.

She advised me not to take hasty decisions. She tried to talk with me and convince me, but I did not allow her.

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