I Never Knew You - (In reading MATTHEW.)

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Is about how we can see that Jesus existed and was real but some do not see this, but when one first learns about Jesus Christ and recognises that he is The Son of God ... Anyone can say that he is a prophet but deny that he is the son of God and as well one can say they know of Him and His teachings but refuses to obey and follow His teachings of God.One can know the words of jesus but not have the ears to hear or listen so all listen: The question is when the time comes for you to pass on and jesus stands before you in thee body, will you deny HIM then? When God is enthroned infront and above you and HE speaks to you and you can see Him clearly, would you deny that GOD IS then? When God tells that that Jesus is HIS Holy Son, would you not believe, even with the evidence right infront of you? This would be irrational! Every atheist turns to God when their time comes to be taken, and all go to Heaven. Jesus does not know those who still deny him then, for in life, you are given chance after chance after chance to turn to God, but even athiests being good people with good deeds will turn to God, and their chance when thier time comes.... and any who still worship the devil and do not receive Faith and Trust and Hope in God, turn to God and worship God, who are evildoers who deny, insanely, the fact of the Presence they are standing infront of, are those who Jesus does not know.

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