The Parable of The lamp

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Parable of the Lamp -

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

My daughter told me to make art.... "Hm.. I can tell you, that from the moment I opened my eyes and saw you, I had already memorised what you looked like. Over the years, I have gotten to memorise everything about you and those are memories I shall always hold close to me. I love you and miss you. " My daughter first knew to Trust me... she looked at me and memoried everything good and beautiful that I am... not only my looks but that she can Trust me and that I LOVE HER, and she knew that she loved me... This is the bases of this parable: To see all that is GOOD within you and your best qualities and tallents and personality traits and girls and the most perfect thing about you........ This is what you make shine, for most of the time it is "hidden under a bowl" a hidden part of yourself which you do not let the world see... but let it out, let the greatest part of yourself out and DO art, create something which will change the world and cause extreme happiness for others so that the light can shine on them, and in them in turn, bring out the best in others by bringing out the best in yourself... take my Love Unconditional and my Trust Undenying and that i am a Mother and Her Mother, and look what I have done for her... and it is evident that i can be trusted and that i love my children, my family and the world... I have created this account, this is my artwork, my creation, taking my tallents and habbies. This is my light which has lay hidden all my life... chnaging the world for the good that IS GOD.
Caitlin carried on to say: Alright, so, first off all, lets talk about perfection. Perfection is something that nobody IS or can be, so arguing over it is Pointless. Even if someone is a really good person, expecting perfection is simply not right. It is not worth shouting or arguying about. Noone is perfect. Now, second of all, I really want a good future, but even with you just being there, I feel better than I would. Sure, there are times in life where things dont go your way, but God wakes you up every morning, because he has got big plans for you. And last but not least, if you cant fly, run, if you cant run, walk, if you cant walk, crawl, if you cant crawl, roll, but by all means, keep moving."
Nobody is perfect as GOD IS Perfect Alone, but one has these lights in them and no matter if you create artwork slowly, walking, runiing, crawling, no matter how imperfect, one must strive to be like GOD and like Jesus and you are always becomming the light of the world as long as you keep going in your Faith and trying and enver give up, you will get there and great will your rewards in Heaven be... There is nothing worth shouting or arguining about. (the parable of the speck and the log - nobody is perfect, everybody makes mistakes, so do not judge... God has plans for everybody to go to Heaven and everybody only wants Heaven to be thier future, so take all the imperfects and dull them, but do not judge or get angry... be slow to anger... take the light, the art, and let it shine dimly or flooding because then... you will fly, and to fly is to do the impossible which GOD makes possible, and for GOD created this light and created it possible for us to do the impossible... and remember that exact perfection is not right... for GOD is above and beyond perfection, for GOD being everything and anything is not exact... so don't strive for exactness, put all imperfects into one perfect piece of art over time... for let the greatest in you shine on others and they too will have the best brought out in them, and with your greatest gifts do only the will of GOd for these are your good deeds and people will only do good deeds with the greatest in them.. and with your good deeds which are doing Gods will and following Gods commands you will GLORIFY GOD. And then, no matter what happens, yoou keep moving with GOD into the next time and space to the new Heaven and earth, and eternity doesn't stop there, going so slow to us but to GOD only in the blink of an eye in an infinty, and GOD is beyond an infinity.

but even with you just being there, I feel better than I would. Sure, there are times in life where things dont go your way, but God wakes you up every morning, because he has got big plans for you

Even just Caitlin and Mummy, caitlin is shining light and everything is at its best. She feels happier and loves seeing me... she realises that some people are making life difficult for me, but GOD is still waking me up each morning because GOD has plans for me... going back to the beginning of the sentence, to be with her and to make everything better and to save her. "second of all" she really wants a good future.... but first of all: She is not perfect... but she is trying her best. This is where my daughter speaks in parables. Do you understand now?

perfection is something that nobody IS.. for only GOD IS. Only GOD IS perfect. GOD will make us perfect. She isn't perfect, and she is looking up at somebody who has a lot of imperfect people around them and telling me to "create art, fast, slow, crawling, running, to get to perfection and fly, for her to have me, to be better, to be saved, to do the impossible, and to do work from God - these are my good deeds and in all I do here on this account... Let it glorify GOD, for in this way - this be the best i can do, the greatest in me, i can GOLORIFY GOD. To glorify GOD is to help Jeus to save his children... Caitlin is His child.

So is this parable... bring out the best in you, do not hide anymore. do only gods will with it. good things about you causing good deeds. glorify God with your deeds.

Goodnight all.

Angel Mary Clement.

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