Chapter Twenty-Two | Lunch Date Disaster

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Harry droned on and on about various Death Eater sightings, putting out theories as to why they'd suddenly decided to go underground. Draco, knowing his father, thought they were gathering resources and allies, but Harry was convinced they were planning something big. Hermione thought it was likely a mixture of both.

"Patrols in all wizarding villages had been doubled, Hogsmeade tripled," Harry said for the fifth time.

Hermione glanced up from her notes and met Draco's eyes. He didn't smile—that would be too out of character and cause their coworkers to suspect something—but his brows rose and his eyes fell to her lips. Hermione had to look back down at her notes to cover her blush.

The week following the party had been blissful. Hermione and Draco continued their routine of sharing meals at work and home, spending evenings together in the library, and making that time together more intentional. They learned more about each other, discussing their likes and dislikes, telling stories from their childhoods, and kissing. They kissed a lot. It was nice...really nice.

Hermione really shouldn't be thinking about how perfect kissing her Auror partner was during a work meeting.

"Any update on the rune stuff, Hermione?"

Her head whipped up. "Pardon?"

Harry's head tilted, glasses askew. "The runes you've been working on. Anything new to share?"

"," Hermione said. "It's—slow work. We're having trouble finding the exact ritual they used. Nothing so powerful exists in any records. Honestly, I'm beginning to suspect that they created it themselves."

"Can they do that?" Seamus asked.

Draco snorted. "Where do you think rituals and spells come from, Finnigan? Truly, I want to know your theory. I haven't had a laugh in hours."

"Oh, fuck off, Malfoy," Seamus said, rolling his eyes.

"We will continue looking into it, Harry, but I doubt we'll find anything more on this particular type of geomancy. It's simply never been done," Hermione said before Seamus and Draco could start in on one another and lengthen this meeting further. It had already gone over, she was tired, and with Draco's eyes on her, she was feeling weirdly antsy.

Harry went over the schedule for the following week one final time and dismissed them. Gathering her things, Hermione left the room quickly, Draco right on her heels. They rushed to her office, dumped both of their belongings there and made for the lifts, walking close but not too close as to raise any sort of suspicion.

In the lift, they were alone at first, and Draco allowed his hand to trail down her back. She shivered, even as her neck and cheeks warmed.

"You look beautiful today," Draco murmured, voice deep and rich, as the back of his hand touched hers.

"Not at work, Malfoy," Hermione said, eyes focused on the lift doors.

"Is it Malfoy again? Just because I'm trying to snog you in the lift? I'm only human."

"Malfoy," Hermione said with force through her teeth when his fingers dusted over her arse. "If you don't keep your hands to yourself, I'll stop snogging you all together."

"That's hardly fair, Granger. The punishment doesn't fit the crime."

"We agreed that there would be no kissing or inappropriate touching in the workplace." Really, it was unfair of him to do this, but she'd be far angrier if she wasn't so desperate in her desire to reciprocate.

He snorted, crossing his arms. "We didn't agree. You commanded, and I had no choice but to nod along because you were straddling my lap and looking all Grangery. I couldn't bloody well tell you no, and you knew it."

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