Chapter Twenty-Six | Epilogue

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Steam billowed from the chimney of the Hogwarts Express into the overcast sky. For Hermione, the sight of the train was just as magical as it had been her first time on the platform.

Families, muggle and magical, gathered to say their goodbyes. Caged owls hooted and children ran through the crowds, excited to see their friends for the first time since break.

Draco ran his hands through his hair nervously. Hermione knew he'd be dreading this day. She had been as well, if she was being honest with herself, but she was so happy for their son. After years of hearing the tall tales about his parents' Hogwarts years, his time had finally come.

"You packed your mirror, Scor?" Draco asked, and Scorpius, the spitting image of a first-year Draco Malfoy—just slightly softer—rolled his gray eyes.

"Yes, Dad," Scropius said, "And even if I didn't, you could just owl it to me tomorrow." At eleven, his voice still had that sweet squeaky quality to it that melted Hermione's heart. He was still her baby boy.

"As logical as ever," Draco said, ruffling Scorpius' hair. "I'm still thinking Ravenclaw."

Hermione smiled. "No, I think he and Al will both be Gryffindors, just like your mum and Uncle Harry."

Scorpius shook his head. "Gran thinks I'll be in Slytherin."

"Your Grandmother is biased." Draco laughed.

"You'll let us know tonight, won't you?" Hermione asked, straightening the hair Draco had mussed and running her hand down his cheek.

"Of course, mum." Scorpius wrapped his thin arms around her, and Hermione had to make a very conscious effort not to cry.

"Speak of the devil," Draco said, spotting Harry, Ginny, James, and Albus with Andromeda and Teddy making their way toward them through the crowd.

When Hermione went into labor prematurely at 34 weeks pregnant, it had been a far more terrifying experience than anything she'd been through before, but Scorpius was a fighter, having to stay at St. Mungo's for weeks following his surprise appearance. It's why they chose his name. He was like the Scorpion, up against impossible odds battling Orion. He'd been through so much before he was even born—it was a miracle, really, that he was as healthy as he was.

Ginny was the first to point out that Scorpius' premature birth would put him in the same Hogwarts class as Albus which, looking back, should've been all the warning Hermione needed, because the two had been inseparable from the moment they met.

"Where's Lily?" Hermione asked, when the Potters arrived.

"With Molly and Arthur," Harry replied. "Lyra and Aries?"

"At Theo and Luna's. Claire floo'd Lyra this morning in tears. She needs lots of laughter to clear some sort of infestation in her bedroom, so they rushed over with their teddies. Not sure what their plan is, but it worked out. We wanted Scorpius to have just us for his first send-off anyway."

Harry nodded, then sighed, looking at Albus and Scorpius with a fond sort of sadness. "Can you believe they're eleven already? I swear they were wreaking havoc together in nappies just yesterday."

Hermione put her arm around Harry's shoulder and squeezed. "Imagine the damage they'll cause to Hogwarts."

James and Teddy spotted some of their friends and, after hugs and well wishes from Draco and Hermione, they ran off, Ginny and Andromeda trailing after them.

"Now, boys," Draco said, "Remember, we don't care what house you're in—as long as it isn't Hufflepuff."

"Draco," Hermione admonished, knowing he was only half kidding. "Hufflepuff is a wonderful house. Teddy is a Hufflepuff."

"Teddy can't spell Stupefy," Draco murmured.

"No need to worry over it any way," Harry said, pride in his voice. "Just look at them! They'll be Gryffindors."

The train whistle blew, signaling it was time to board. "Come on, Al, your mum will die if she can't give you one last kiss."

Al grimaced and whispered something to Scorpius, who gave him a small smile. Al said his goodbyes to Hermione and Draco while Harry did the same with Scorpius. When they were alone again, Draco knelt down in front of his son and put his hands on his shoulders.

"You'll be great," Draco said, and Hermione swore his eyes were getting misty. "We'll miss you, Scor—so much."

"I'll miss you, too, Dad," Scorpius squeaked, embracing his father, hugging him fiercely.

Hermione got down, too, rubbing Scorpius' back. "You can mirror us every night—more if you need it. No matter what, I'll always answer."

Scorpius let his father go and looked at his mother, mouth trembling. "I love you, mum."

"I love you more, my little star." Scorpius threw himself into her arms and she clung to him, not ready to let her firstborn go.

Before she knew it, he'd released her, made promises to mirror-call and write, then was waving to them from a window on the train as it left the station en route to the Scottish highlands.

~*~ • ~*~ & ~*~ • ~*~

Draco paced in front of the fireplace in their bedroom, meet-up mirror clenched tightly in his hands.

"The opening feast probably only ended an hour ago, Draco. He needed time to settle into his dorm," Hermione said, not taking her eyes off the open book in her hands. "The pacing is distracting."

"What if he isn't in the same house as Albus? It'll kill him!"

"He'll be fine," Hermione sighed. "I don't see any universe where that could possibly happen, but even if it does, he'll still see Albus every day."

"He's probably crying alone in the ladies." Draco shook his head. "Oh, Merlin, Myrtle will find him. Hermione, I think we need to floo McGonagall."

"Draco, you're spiraling." Hermione would try harder to comfort him, but Draco had a flair for the dramatic that was generally best ignored, especially when it came to her and the children.

"Of course, I'm spiraling!" he shouted. "Our eleven-year-old son is being seduced by a teenaged ghost, and you're not listening to me. We need to bring him home. Mother can home school him."

"Dad?" Scorpius' voice called from the mirror. "Mum?"

"We're here!" Draco replied, putting the mirror right in front of his face, eyes running over his son. A slow smile spread, and he gave Hermione a cheeky grin. She placed a bookmark in the novel she'd been reading and tossed it on her bedside table before rushing over to join Draco.

Scorpius' little face was in the mirror with Albus right beside him, both sporting Slytherin green and silver ties.

Oh, Merlin, she'd never hear the end of this. 

Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading! I feel so much love from every vote and read.

A special thank you to my beta reader @mystireegrrl — queen of fixing my capitalization inconsistencies. ❤️

So, that's it! If you enjoyed this fic, feel free to check out my other offerings. I have some absolutely unhinged ideas for future fics that I'm so excited to start writing and share. Follow me on Tik Tok (chels_writes_a_fic) for updates on what I'm working on and fandom content.


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