Chapter Nineteen | Congratulations or Condolences

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Narcissa easily consented to use of Veritaserum in her formal questioning—which was no surprise to Draco but seemed to surprise the rest of the team. He couldn't help but feel offended on her behalf, but while he didn't like the fact that his mother would be put in such a vulnerable position, he supposed this would be the quickest way to clear her name.

As an Auror, Draco felt that this approach actually hindered their investigation. With Veritaserum being administered according to protocol, all questions had to first be approved by the drinker, and Narcissa had a full team of Malfoy solicitors to review hers. They left just enough to clear Narcissa's name without giving the Aurors any extra information.

Potter chose Finnigan to do the questioning with him because Johnson was on a mission and Finnigan was the next most personally removed from the case, leaving Draco and Granger to watch through an enchanted wall that functioned like a muggle two-way mirror, or so Granger once told him.

While Draco understood Potter's choice in Finnigan for the interrogation, it annoyed him, mostly because Potter always annoyed him but also because Finnigan was a dolt and his mother deserved better. Draco stood next to Granger—probably closer than was proper, but no one could see, and Granger didn't seem to mind—with his arms firmly crossed and a scowl on his face. Granger wasn't really paying him any attention at all, actually, eyes firmly on the proceedings, her face just inches from the wall.

Inside the questioning room, Potter cleared his throat then offered a sheepish smile. "Let's get this over with, shall we?

His mother smiled in return, closed-mouthed and cold, as Potter handed a small vial to Mr. Bellamy Burton—the solicitor Narcissa chose to accompany her.

"There's just enough to last three minutes," Potter said, shifting restlessly in his seat.

With a swift sniff from his large nose and a few strategic revealing charms, Burton checked the potion. Deeming it authentic, he placed the vial on the table then summoned his briefcase from the floor. It landed beside the vial and flung open, revealing a delicate porcelain tea set. Burton waved his wand and a saucer flew out, followed by a cup, which landed on the saucer with a soft clink. Another wave and the vial poured itself into the cup.

As Burton lifted the saucer then handed it to Narcissa with an awkward bow, Finnigan gave an incredulous snort of laughter. Draco hadn't a clue about what could be so funny—surely they didn't expect Narcissa Malfoy to drink straight from a vial in mixed company?

Narcissa lifted the cup to her pursed lips and sipped lightly. They waited in silence for her to finish.

Potter cleared his throat. "Alright, then, that's one minute since your last sip. I suppose we ought to start. What is your name?"

The cup made the smallest clink as it was returned to the saucer, then Narcissa folded her hands in her lap, eyes never leaving Potter. "Narcissa Aquila Malfoy nee Black."

"And what is your date of birth?"

Draco snorted, earning a chastising grimace from Granger.

Narcissa's mouth turned down. "I was born on the 27th of August, 19—" Her frown deepened as she swallowed thickly, clearly attempting to fight the effects of the potion. Her face began to turn pink, and Burton conjured a silk handkerchief and placed it on the table in front of her where it folded itself into a little triangle. Narcissa eyed it with disdain then finally gasped, "—55!"

She snatched the handkerchief, opened it with a flick of her wrist, and placed it over her lips.

"Er—right," Potter said, shuffling the papers in front of him, searching for his list of questions. "Right. Were you aware that your husband, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, was in contact with wanted members of Voldemort's Inner Circle sometime during the approximate period of August of 2005 to January of 2006?"

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