Chapter 3: Not again!

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A/N: Hi silent readers! I see no response but still I don’t know I feel like updating.

------------Neha’s picture on the side. ------------

Chapter 3: Not again!


Okay, so just on the last week of summer, in the morning I Jason Bass is in a freaking shopping mall and missing out my sleep. Why? Because my dada's new business partner is hosting a party on this Friday and apparently I need to buy a tux, even though I already have enough of them but for some unknown reason I HAVE to wear a new one. I mean, what is the difference? Nobody will even recognize.

Ob yeah, there is also my best friend, my brother actually; Nate Batt. He is like the best one to call when I go through shit and need to party my ass off. He is always there. And likewise. He knows pretty much everything about me. He is quite good looking, but not a player like me.

Now, I’m not actually a player who makes innocent girls fall in love with him and then dumb them and move on without a second glance like a heart-less jerk. No, I just have one night stands once in a while when needed a fuck cause i don't do long relationships. No, I'm not some emo psycho who doesn't believes in love because of some heartbreak in past or any dark secret shit at home, I just think I'm not a guy to be committed, so I'm not ready to give a try. My life in freedom is way too precious to me.

Just like today, I winked at this girl I saw in parking lot today and no jealous freak glued girlfriend was there to cry about it. Isn't being single is so much fun?

Now this pretty girl in the morning was 'trying' to park her car in an empty space near the entrance of the mall where I was faster. Her beauty was quite a catch. She had these lines of tension on her forehead and a tiny frown on that cute face that she didn’t even try to hide. She was feisty; I could tell by the way she continuously was banking the horn of her car as if talking out her anger on me. Good thing to watch. But the best was when I winked her way, her jaw literally fell. Ha-ha. (Neha’s picture on the side)

I entered the mall with Nate, he was invited too so we planned to shop together. In one hour we were done.

I choose black dress-pants with black silk shirt, black coat and a grey tie. And Nate bought himself a grey coat and dress pants with a black shirt and purple tie.

How quick easy. Shopping is just not for me. You know the worst nightmare? To go shopping with a girl. Can't even imagine. Too happy that i don't have a sister or a girlfriend expecting me to carry their shopping bags around the mall for hours.

We both together made our way to the elevator to go to the third floor for food. Hey, don't judge. We are guys. We have our need for food time to time and after all we are at a mall, might as well eat here.

While i was looking for a table, Nate's phone rang. "Dad" he sighed after looking at the caller id. He gave me a short nod and went to a quieter area to attend the call. By the time he returned, i was sitting on a table and already decided what to order from variety of about 10 restaurants in the court. Nate came back and when i was about to ask that what will he like he told me that, "Dad wants me in the office for some shit. His driver is already here so lets skip the food and lets go, ey?" naahh. "dude, your dad needs you, not me and now that you even have a lift I’ll like to stay here and enjoy that yummy pasta waiting for me. So bye. I'll get my driver to send you your car parked at my home." I said. Nate laughed shaking his head, "off course it’s the food, how can Jason just leave it? So I’ll see on Friday? Yeah?" "Yeah boy. Bye. See yaaa" I replied and stood from the table to place my order.


I was standing in the line and waiting in the line for my pasta, which i just ordered. Smell of chicken cheese pasta with pepperoni and extra chili sauce and olives filled my nose and i saw my try in front of me with the coke I ordered. As I picked up my food and turned around, the costumer behind me who was continuously tapping his keys dumped into me. Like literally dump. I little scream escaped my lips as my pasta fell on the floor and my drink spilled all over my shirt making me wet.

I looked up to see the guy with anger in my eyes that soon turned to surprise when i saw the hottie No.1 from parking lot with a boyish smile on his face. "ohhooo.. Looks like i made you all wet, ehh? I'm so sorry darling" he said, changing his smile into a smirk, stupid hot smirk. "Well, it’s not okay. I paid for that food now on the floor and this drink made my shirt sticky" "well, I’m more then fine to buy you another lunch but about the shirt, you'll have to strip, i guess" he said with a wink. Perv. "you know what? Just don't bother. My hunger died anyways." i walked pass him towards the ladies room to clean the mess as much as I can. The new shirts i bought are with Kel so I have to do something with this. Urghhh. This boy. First the parking space and now my so tempting and pasta. Jerk.

I left the rest-room looking pretty much presentable and started walking towards the elevator when i voice called, "hey, parking lot girl. Wait up" I kind of knew that voice so I didn’t bother turning but then a hand grabbed my arm and spun me around, to come face to face with the hottie-now-jerk. "I ordered you pasta; it’s going to take 3 minutes i guess. But tell me, who eats olives with pasta? Like seriously?" "look, I don't have time for this so...." he cut me off. "Not much of your time I’m asking for. Just 3 minutes max. And to pass this time, we can probably go to the rest-room on the corner for a quickie. You know this is a food court, people will feel disgusted and then there are children here too and I’m too considerate for them to see us getting hot and my skills..." what the fuck did he just said? "What?" I exclaimed. "Are you out of your mind? I knew you were mentally disturbed but even psycho should know his limits you fool" and with that turned and started walking before he could reply or do anything but I didn’t misses the laugh that escaped his lips. Hmm... Nice laugh. 'Stop it Neha' my mind said.

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