Free time and Conversations

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Lill's POV:
After we found out we are in a killing game, we were brought to the tents. Fiore was curled up against my hip, shaking. I pulled her into my lap and stroked her hair, whispering words of reassurance as I did. She looked up at me with teary eyes and looked away. I decided to try and start a conversation with her.
"How old are you Fiore?"
She looked up and cuddles close before answering in a whisper.
"I'm six"
My eyes widened in shock as she told me how young she was. I had been hoping she wasn't as young as I had thought.
"W-Well then, what do you do for fun?"
Fiore looked up and tilted he head to the side. She looked confused.
"What do you mean fun?"
"Well, do you read, draw, color, or something?"
    She looked confused still and asked, "People do that? They don't just study and learn different languages?"
I wa surprised, but asked, "Don't you take breaks to play?"
Her eyes widened in shock.
"Oh no. I could never. My momma and papa would be really angry at me if I did."
Wait, what? I take a minute to process that and place one hand on her cheek.
"What happens if your parents get angry? "
She looks up, sad smile on her face as she hugs my arm.
"It depends. Sometimes, mommy gets really angry and locks me in my room without food and daddy will yell at me and call me a mistake."
Hearing her say this mad my heart ache. She's so young, but she doesn't act like it.
"You know Fiore, if you want, we can play a game."
     She looked surprisingly excited about that. She quickly agreed, so I played patty cake with her until she got tired and fell asleep in my lap. She looked so sweet and innocent.
I whispered, "I will protect you with my life little one. Nobody will ever hurt you as long as I'm here."

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