chapter 4

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Shubman wasn't feeling good when he woke up after their flight landed in Chennai, when he got up to exit the plane he felt his head and neck aching but he thought it was just jet lag from traveling.

When he entered the bus he was feeling weak in his knees he scanned the bus to find ishan sitting on the window seat he walked towards him and sat beside him.

"You don't look good" ishan says offering him the juice he was drinking.

"I think i got jet lag from this flight" shubman says taking the juice bottle from ishan's hand and drinking it.

"Come put your head here and sleep" ishan says patting his own shoulder in a gentle low voice.

Shubman put his head on ishan's shoulder he fall asleep on whole airport to hotel ride he woke up by ishan's voice telling him they've reached the hotel.

"You go, I'll bring the luggage" ishan says picking up both their bags when they reached their room shubman went straight to bed god why is he feeling so weak he thought in his head.

"What do you want for dinner" ishan asks walking towards the telephone to call room service.

"Anything light" shubman replied with his eye closed "salad?" Ishan asks again "no something soupy that doesn't take much efforts to eat"

Ishan went to open the door when food came he placed the trays on table telling shubman to get up for dinner.

"Come let's eat i got you soup" he said looking at shubman who haven't gotten up from bed yet.

"I don't think i have strength to sit on table and eat, could you give me my soup here" says shubman now sitting up.

Ishan came to sit in front of shubman with food tray in his hand he placed that tray on bed he picked the spoon up and took it near shubman's mouth to feed him.

"Ahh so sweet of you feeding me" shubman says looking at ishan with bright eyes "shut up and eat while I'm feeding" ishan says.


Shubman woke up feeling his body on fire covered in sweat he tried to pick his phone from bedside table with trembling hands but it fell of the table before he could even pick it up.

Ishan woke up by the noise he look up and saw shubman trying to pick something up from bedside.

"What are you doing shubi" ishan asks
"Trying to get my phone. Got it" shubman says now holding his phone in his hand.

"Good now come here i wanna sleep more" ishan says opening his hands for shubman to come and cuddle.

Shubman moves closer to Ishan forgetting why he needed his phone for ishan's hand came to hold him.

"Ohh god you're burning shubi" ishan says as he hold shubman's neck hand going to shubman's forehead to check if he got fever or not.

"You have a very high fever shub" ishan says now he's looking for his phone it was 6 in the morning he called the management.

After 30 minutes 2 doctors came to their room checking shubman one of the doctor says they need blood to run some test.

Ishan was sitting next to him when shubman said "ish give me your hand"

"Why?" Asks ishan "they're about to put a needle in me i need moral support" shubman says whining "6 feet and that Greek god body just to act like 5 year old?" Ishan says chuckling.

"Come on it's a needle everyone is afraid of that" shubman says now holding ishan's hand.

The doctor left After taking blood samples telling shubman to take rest shubman took the medicines they gave and fall asleep again.

Maybe!! Maybe Not?? (ishman/shubish)Where stories live. Discover now