The Meeting

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 < Garrick Tavis >

I stretched out my body as I started heading up to the outpost. I didn't mind taking on Xaden's shifts when he had to go visit Violet. Hell, I always offered because it gave me something to do when Xaden wasn't around. I looked up at the clear night sky scattered with millions of stars as I started up the stairs. With each step the sky felt closer as if I could reach out and feel the tiny stars in my hands. Not that I would want to do that either. I would probably crush them all instantly. I tend to do that with beautiful things. Xaden also loved reminding me that and I enjoyed reminding him the same message back.

When I got to the top of the stairs, my shift mate was already there. It looked as if she was cleaning up the mess the last shift left behind. I could hear her tiny, gentle voice as she skillfully navigated around the room mumbling to herself.

"You would think that with all the filth around here, it was pigs who paired with dragons."

I can feel Chradh, my brown scorpiontail who I've known for almost four years now, stirring in my mind. I'm insulted that she could think that dragons would even think about any other living creature being riders. We can barely stand humans.

I smile, mentally rolling my eyes at Chradh. Still playing hard to get? You don't mean that.

I do. Although, it is humorous that she is comparing humans to pigs. The state of your room definitely reflects that.

The small figure turns from the desk towards the door where I'm standing and we lock eyes. Her brilliant blue eyes with gray flecks stare back at me and widen almost immediately as she drop the few pieces of trash on the floor.

"What the-" Her small, pale hands fly up clutching her chest as she staggers back.

"Sorry, if I startled you. I'm your shift mate for today." I say back calmly, trying to make sure she doesn't have a heart attack. "I'm Garrick."

I don't know what to do. I don't know if I need to extend my hands to shake, but she definitely doesn't look like the handshake type. Her long raven black hair is in a high ponytail and compliments her icy pale skin. It always made me wonder how some riders manage to stay light after hours flying near the sun.

Considering that we were both standing up, she only came up to my shoulders. She had a smaller frame than your average female rider, but through the rider leather anyone could see that she was built with lean muscle that only helped to accentuate her hourglass figure.

"Gods, you scared me," she started. Her soft voice gently filled up the small space we were in. "How does a guy like you manage to sneak around like that?"

"Is that a compliment?" I asked, taking a small step closer. I didn't see her react or step back which gave me the assurance that she was just startled. I was always aware of my size and how people loved commenting about it.

Her shoulders dropped as she let out a soft exhale. "I thought Riorson was on duty."

I immediately noticed how she said Xaden's name in a normal tone in that sentence. Here everyone has a little disgust when they have to say his name. Or I should say spit out his name. Most try to avoid it all together and just ignore his existence. They will never understand what he means to us.

"Sorry to disappoint. Riorson is on girlfriend duties. You're stuck with me." It only takes five big strides for me to go over to her and pick up the items from the floor.

"No, you don't have to-" She started to say as her small hand reached for my forearm. Looking down, I saw how small and soft her hands looked against the contrast of my dark, muscular forearms. The only regular female interactions I had was with Imogen and it's been a month. We determined that a break would be best anyways. Imogen, as beautiful and lethal as she was, was never gentle or soft. "I'll take this, Tavis."

Breathe Me (Garrick Tavis X OC): The Empyrean Series FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now