The Rune

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Lei Aukai

"Wake, now."

When I opened my eyes my senses were clouded in anxiousness. I clutched my heart trying to dull the feeling. Cosheirm was seeing something.

"What's wrong?"

I haven't woke up with this kind of feeling since the last time when -

Cosheirm cut in. She was always good about protecting me. She was stopping me before my thoughts could wander off to eternal sadness.

"I was flying by the south clearing of Samara when I noticed another brown. It looks like Chradh has been circling the area for a while."

I pulled up my hair in my high ponytail and dressed in my gear within seconds. "Do you see anyone else?"

"Yes, from the looks of it, Sgyael will be arriving."

Garrick must have called Xaden as well. I sheath my blade behind me. "I'll meet you outside, Coshe."

✦ ✦ ✦

I ran outside, moving as fast as I could to get to the dragon rendezvous point. Only the dim moonlight lit up the area outside. The field around me blurred as I felt the electric blue energy course through my veins allowing me to jump from one area to the next. The cool air filled my lungs and when I reached the clearing, I saw a familiar figure. His massive height alone was all I needed to know who that was.

A gust of wind blew around us as Chradh landed near him. If looks could kill...Chradh was menacing. Deep gashes and scars from fallen dragons who dared to share Chradh's presence in the sky were visible from this far distance. Steam blew out of its nostrils as it looked around the field before locking eyes with mine. The crimson-red eyes watched me curiously.

Garrick turned and I politely waved over to him who looked just as surprised. Gods, did I just do that? He started to walk towards me and he paused for a second to look up at the sky. Another gust of wind blew behind me.

"Coshe," I mentally greeted. I watched as Garrick moved his way over to me. His posture was tall and strong as his long legs glided over the ground. The thick dark curls on his head bounced on his head with each step.

"Lei? What are you doing here?" He asked once he knew I was within listening distance.

"Uh," I started not sure how to answer the question. "I, uh, had a hard time sleeping when I heard Coshe." It was kind of true.

Coshe grunted behind me. It was her form of rolling her eyes at me. "Coshe saw Chradh circling a particular area and got curious. It could be dangerous. Let me fly with you."

A huge grin appeared on Garrick's face revealing his perfect smile. Chradh stepped forward tilting its head at me. My heart skipped a beat. "I appreciate the concern, but Xaden is already on his way. I think we got it covered."

"An extra pair of wings won't hurt right?" I added. Garrick shook his head. Was I being too pushy? I think I remembered Iris saying something about how guys don't like girls who are too pushy?

"This could be dangerous, Lei." My name sounded so special in his voice. He stepped closer to me and he was within arms reach. His gaze moved up to my head and moved across my face down to my... lips. My mouth parted. "I'll find you in the morning."

"I'm not five, Garrick," I replied. "I've handled dangerous things before. I won't get in your way."

His eyebrows furrowed. "This is not the kind of danger you think. There are some secrets I'm not allowed to tell-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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