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"Dude you've gotten like five people's numbers. Teach me your ways." Calum said watching Ashton put the numbers he wasn't going to call in his phone.

"Step one, don't be ugly. Step two, be Ashton Irwin."

"Did you just call me ugly?" Calum scoffed putting a hand over my heart. "I'm not ugly."

"Yeah all those numbers you're getting really show it." Ashton teased and Calum pouted before his eyes narrowed at something behind Ashton.

"Here comes fuckface."

Ashton turned around and was met with blue eyes, he turned to Calum for help but saw that he was already halfway down the hallway. Jerk.

"Hey babe."

Ashton just raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry but why are you talking to me?"

Luke looked taken aback for a second before it was replaced with a smirk, "You look--different."

Ashton just stared at him before letting out a humorless laugh, "Yeah, well, that happens when you get treated like shit after a smash and dash."

"Did you just say smash and dash." Luke asked looking at him in amusement.

"I did and didn't you say we were suppose to go back to that time where you didn't acknowledge me and we didn't talk?" Ashton retorted raising an eyebrow, and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah I guess but things change, people change." Luke replied with ease, trailing his eyes down Ashton's body.

Ashton chuckled, "People do change. For example, I don't want your attention anymore, you had your chance. I'll give you brownie points for trying though." Ashton gave him a sarcastic smile and a shrug before turning on his heel and following where Calum went with Luke watching him leave with a scowl.

"Told you so." Michael smirked coming up besides Luke, not needing to have heard the conversation to know what happened.

"Shut up Michael."

"Hey Ash, there's a party at Hemmings tonight. Back to school and everything and guess who's going to accompany me?" Calum grinned sliding into the seat across from Ashton once lunch came around Friday afternoon.

Ashton pretended to think but mentally groaned because he knew where this was going, "Hm Jack Barakat?"

Calum sighed softly, "Dude I wish but no. You are! Exciting right?"

"I'd rather stab myself in the eye." Ashton deadpanned. Going to that party meant bumping into Luke at least once.

"C'mon, you have too. People will expect you to go, you know you being this new person." Ashton sighed before scrunching his nose because Calum was right, "Fine whatever."

"I hate parties."

"I know but you love me so here's a drink." Calum replied practically shouting over the loud music as he shoved a cup of some sort of alcohol into his hands and then disappeared into the crowd.

Ashton decided to make the most of it and downed the drink before getting another one.

An hour later, Ashton was completely drunk off of his ass. He had danced with different people for a while, almost always having a drink in his hand but now he was leaning against a wall just watching people.

"So I see you decided to come." An all to familiar voice said, but in Ashton's drunken state he didn't seem to mind.

"Mhm, couldn't pass up this amazing party offer." He replied, sarcasm dripping through his tone.

"Glad you find my party amazing." Luke smirked, clearly not hearing the sarcasm in Ashton's statement. "Wanna know how else this party could be amazing?" Luke then asked, much closer than he was before.

Ashton cocked his head to the side, a smirk making its way on his lips. "How's that?"

Luke bit down on his lip before leaning down to place hot open mouthed kisses on the shorter boys neck. "Your thighs look deliciously hot in your jeans." He growled in Ashton's ear, nibbling on his ear lobe pushing him into the wall more.

Ashton breathed heavily out his nose pulling Luke's face towards his smashing his lips to his with probably too much force but neither boys complained, the kiss was eager and forceful with Ashton hands fisting Luke's shirt and one of Luke's on the wall besides Ashton's head and the other in his hair.

Luke bit down on Ashton's lip eliciting a low moan from him and slid his tongue into his mouth, grinding slowly into him.

"Fuck--Luke this is about to become rated r really quick." Ashton breathed out and Luke just nodded in agreement, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stairs.

Waking up the next morning, Ashton woke up with a groan. The sun coming through the open blinds wasn't helping his headache at all.

Sitting up, he closed his eyes as the world was suddenly spinning around him. When it was okay again he opened his eyes and nearly jumped a foot when he a saw a certain blond splayed out on the bed besides him, snoring softly.

Breathing hard out through his nose he hesitantly took the covers away from himself and almost let out a frustrated scream because why did this happen again.

Quietly standing up, he immediately felt the pain in the lower half of his body. He groaned softly, why was he the one that bottomed. He quickly got dressed and he was pretty sure the shirt he put on might not have been his but he was in too much of a rush to thoroughly question it.

Making his way down the stairs he noticed how trashed the house was, that's going to be a bitch to clean. Sucks for Luke.

Scrolling through his phone he went down to Calum's number and dialed it.

"What do you want Irwin." His sleep-laced voice came through the receiver.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."

"It's 9:30 in the morning, why do I have the honor of you calling me?" Calum's sarcastic voice replied.

"I uh I need you to pick me up."

"From where?" Calum asked confused.

"From Luke's?" Ashton laughed nervously as he scuffed his shoe on the driveway.

It was quiet for a few moments before Calum sighed, "You didn't."

"Yeah, um I did." Ashton scowled, mad at himself for letting it happen again. He wasn't even sure how it had happened.

"I'll be there in a few. You're really lucky I love you."

"Thanks Cal bear, I'm thankful for you." Ashton sighed before hanging up.

In all honesty he could walk home, it'd only take 20 minutes tops, but he had Calum that drove him anywhere he wanted so why would he walk?

Once Calum finally got there, Ashton thanked him a million times and Calum just brushed him off. "So how'd it happen this time?" He asked raising an eyebrow at Ashton expectedly.

"I'm actually not sure, we got to the party, you left me, then I just started downing drinks, I don't remember anything after that." Ashton shrugged leaning his head against the seat and took the spare sunglasses from Calum's glovebox.

"You need to stop that if you want to actually hate Luke." Calum reminded.

"As if I don't know that, just shut up and drive me home."

I've decided what I'm doing with this story so yayay

Thoughts on LukeandAshton getting it on at the party? ;)

Quick question, should there be Malum or not? I kind of want to put Malum but sometimes people don't like it so just going to ask.

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