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picture on top/side is what the new and approved Ashton looks like. Why is he so attractive? Someone shoot me in the throat pls


Ashton tightened the blue bandana he had wrapped around his head. Squirting himself with some cologne he thought he looked pretty good. The white Ohio State tank he was wearing showed off his muscles, he guesses all that complaining about working out during the summer had paid off as did picking up learning how to drum. His black skinnys he had on were tight as hell but they made his thighs and butt look good so he wasn't going to complain.

Calum; hey b, I'm outside come out when ur ready :)
Message Delivered.

Ashton looked at himself one more time and took a deep breath, "I'm not at all ready for this." He muttered to himself and pulled on a pair of boots.

He wasn't mentally or physically prepared to go back to school. He looked completely different than he did before summer had started and he was afraid of what people would think. He had traded his geeky black-rimmed glasses for contacts-only wearing his glasses at night and his over sized sweaters for muscle tanks and band tees. He liked his new style, it made him feel a bit more confident about himself and less insecure, but he was scared that people wouldn't like it.

Jogging down the stairs he grabbed his bag which laid at the bottom, he could smell the pancakes coming from the kitchen. "Hey sweetie! Come eat some of momma Irwin's famous pancakes, it's the first day of school you need it." His mom called hearing the floorboards creek as Ashton walked across them.

Ashton looked at the time and debated it for a few seconds, walking into the kitchen he saw Harry and Lauren sitting at the table eating and bickering over some tv show they had started watching. "I can't Cal's here now. Tomorrow? I'll have Calum come earlier and eat with us." He told Anne, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Well alright! That'll be even better! I'll have all my babies with me so that better be a promise." She teasingly scolded pushing two pop tarts towards him. Ashton was pretty sure she loved Calum more than him, "Give one of these to Calum." Yup she definitely did, "Have a good day today sweetie, I love you and make this year better than last year yeah?"

Ashton took them from her and nodded muttering out a quick love you back before rushing out of the house, he didn't want it to get all heartfelt and sincere.

"Mom wants you to come and eat breakfast with us tomorrow morning."

Calum mumbled an okay and glanced at the boy, doing a double take before he raised an eyebrow at the curly haired boy. "Shit why do you look so attractive? I kind of want to suck your dick right now and that's not okay."

A snort left from Ashton as his cheeks blushed a light pink, "You don't just say things like that!"

Calum chuckled and lifted one hand from the steering wheel to put it up in defense, "I'm just saying, you look really fucking hot. Prepare to be swarmed with girls."

"Girls scare me." Ashton blushed harder and mumbled staring out the window to avoid Calum's gaze.

"Me too man, me too. Girls are a completely different species that I'll never understand."

"Didn't you just miss this place?" Michael sighed in mock bliss, leaning against Luke's arm for emphasis.

"So much," Luke deadpanned and took a deep breath and made a face, he could already smell the body oder wafting through the halls. Why couldn't people wash themselves properly before coming to school.

He already wanted the staying up late, sleeping in, and parties back. He didn't want school and teachers and homework.

Running his fingers through his quiff he gave some guys he passed high fives and saying hi to whoever greeted him first as he made his way to his locker.

"What do you have for your first class?" Michael asked pulling out his schedule.

Luke glanced down at his and groaned, "Trig." He whined with a small pout. He didn't want math in the morning he barely-no he didn't want it at all.

Michael eyes lit up and excitedly said, "Hey me too Hemmo lets fuck shit up..." He trailed off as he glanced around the hallway. "Holy shitballs is that--is that Irwin?"

Luke raised an eyebrow at his tone, he sounded shocked and even a little bit breathless. Turning to follow his gaze his own eyes widen at what stood a few feet away from him.

It was Ashton standing with his asian-look alike he called a friend.

but Ashton, he looked, deliciously hot?

"What the fuck?" Luke's eyes trailed up and the down the boy's body. He looked different, way different although that most definitely wasn't a bad thing in this case. Luke enjoyed what he saw, was it bad that he wanted to lick Ashton's biceps? Or was that too weird?

Luke sure as hell noticed all the other people checking out this new Ashton, and it made Luke's stomach tighten in an unfamiliar feeling. He didn't like the new feeling at all.

Suddenly Ashton's hazel eyes met his blue ones and Luke's cheeks flushed a barely noticeable pink but Ashton definitely noticed as he smirked and poked his tongue out to wet his lips before turning his attention back to Calum.

"I cannot tell a lie, I would definitely do the sex with Ashton." Michael said eyes still trained on the tanned boy. "Wouldn't you?"

"Already have." Luke muttered ignoring how Michael phrased that he wanted to bang Ashton. He didn't understand why Michael just didn't say things like a normal person, he had to complicate it.

"What the fuck? When? Why wasn't I informed. God Luke you're such a bad friend. I never know anything anymore." Michael scowled and crossed his arms over his chest. The small scowl on his face made him look like an angry kitten who didn't get any treats. Although he'd never tell those words to him. He'd probably get punched.

"It was last year at a party. Drunken mistake that wasn't important enough, I ignored him after it so I ignored it happened," Luke waved it off, it wasn't really drunken since they were both sober enough to know what they were doing but he didn't say that part out loud, going back to pulling things out of his locker.

"Was it a good fuck?"

"Oh it definitely was a good fuck, for being a nerd he knows how to do so many things with his tongue." Luke answered, biting his lip just thinking of what had happened.

"Too bad it'll never happen again." Michael casually said, leaning against the locker next to Luke's, waiting for Luke to finish.

"What do you mean? It could happen again if I wanted it too."

Michael just snorted at how ignorant Luke was acting, "You said you ignored him yeah? Ashton was probably pissed off at you because no likes when a one night stand ignored you. He'll most likely ignore you and well Ashton looks hotter than last year and everyone is noticing it."

"Shut up Michael." Luke scoffed.

Michael smirked, noticing how Luke was starting to get all tensed up. "Honestly, you'll be lucky if he even acknowledges your existence."

Oh Luke, you dumb, dumb boy. I pray for you.

Wow I'm excited for this story so much even though I don't really have a plan for it but oh well :-)


Lashton will be in the next chapter, stories have to be a lil boring in the beginning amirite?

(not edited because I'm way to lazy for that)

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