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"And like I swear to you his lips were just meant for sucking my dick, it was the hottest thing I've ever experienced. Especially after we made out for god knows how long, and the weed made everything so much- are you even listening to me?" Michael cut himself off realizing Luke's gaze wasn't even focused on him, it was across the room.

"Dude just give it up, he clearly doesn't want to acknowledge to you." Michael rolled his eyes once he saw what had Luke's attention. "Staring won't make him magically get up and come talk to you."

Luke let out a huff and left his arms crossed as he continued to stare at the mess of curls laughing with some black haired bimbo from across the room. "But why not? Last time he was practically begging for my attention!" He practically whined out.

"Why do you care so much isn't this what you wanted?"

Luke switched his glare to the bright red head sitting next to him, "No. The plan was I act like he doesn't exist, not the other way around."

"Whatever man. You might want to get some peanut butter for your jelly though." Michael smirked.

"Fuck off Michael." Luke groaned and fell back in his chair just as the teacher walked in with a bright smile, it made Luke want to scream it was the complete opposite of his mood right now.

Every few minutes Luke's gaze would slide to Ashton and Ashton being under him would flash through his mind making Luke squirm in his seat and look back to the teacher. This was not suppose to be happening. Luke was suppose to be the one all smug and cocky about blowing Ashton off. It wasn't suppose to be Luke in that position.

God, no wonder Ashton hates me. Luke thought bitterly to himself as he genuinely tried to pay attention to what was being written on the board. This fucking sucks.


"Irwin we need to talk. Now." Luke growled into Ashton's ear at the end of the day when only a few people were scattered in the halls, pressing him against the lockers.

Ashton spun around, a smirk promptly on his lips as the cool metal of his lock dug into his back. "What ever about?"

"I bet you have an idea, Irwin."

"Im sorry but who are you again?" Ashton asked, a faux look of confusion on his face. Taking in the way Luke tensed up and a glare directed to Ashton formed on his features.

"Don't play that game with me. I'm pretty sure you know who I am-I mean with the way you screamed it a few nights ago I sure hope you do." Luke scoffed pressing his hands harder to the lockers.

"Not sure I know what you're talking about, I definitely wouldn't be screaming your name. It's not that important, Hemmings." Ashton told him. and his eyes caught the pretty purple bruise Ashton created dented into Luke's pale complexion and lightly pressed a finger to it before gently shoving the blonde away from him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be, people to see, dates to be on."

Not missing the way Luke clenched his jaw and let out a deep breath, Ashton huffed out a small laugh and started to walk away only to have his arm grabbed and being pulled back into Luke.

"Ashton I'm trying to talk to you." Luke said, a slight plead underlying in his tone.

"Fuck off Luke, honestly fuck off. You don't get to talk to me, last time I checked you didn't want anything to do with me." Ashton snapped, pressing the palms of his hands on Luke's chest so now Luke's back was pressed up against the wall. "You were the one who said we shouldn't talk to each other, just forget and like nothing happened and that's what I'm trying to do so let me do it asshole. Now if you excuse me, I really do have a date."


"He's so infuriating." Ashton said, a small whine leaving his lips when Calum's hand stopped running through his hair.

"You're so infuriating when you keep talking about him." Calum mumbled, cheeks flushing pink at something on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" Ashton asked, looking up at him from his head being in his lap.

"No one." Was the brunettes immediate answer.

"Lies, who is it." Ashton's eyes narrowed and he moved to grab the phone, eliciting a squeak from Calum who quickly locked his phone and held it away from Ashton's reach. "Fuck off Ashton, leave me alone."

"Tell me who it is!" Ashton begged, jutting out his bottom lip.

"You'll be mad."

"No I won't."

"No I know you'll be mad." Calum rephrased it giving Ashton a weak smile.

Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, he wouldn't be mad unless-- "Is it Luke?" He asked.

Calum couldn't help the small snort that left him before he shook his head to calm Ashton's thoughts, "No, but close enough."

When Calum's phone vibrated again Ashton grabbed it before Calum had the chance to even look at it, ignoring the small 'hey!' that came from the other boy.

Ashton unlocked it and read the message, letting out a gag in the process. "Michael? Really? Out of all people you had to pick Luke's best friend?" Ashton scoffed and threw the phone back into Calum's lap.

"See! I knew you'd be mad."

"I'm not mad."

Calum just blinked. Ashton's face was clear of emotion as he stared back at Calum. "I'm not! I swear, I'm just annoyed at your taste in guys. Get ones who aren't associated with assholes and by the way Michael wants to meet up with you again. He sent winky faces and hearts. It was gross reading it."

"Shut up Ash, you're just jealous that I get messages like this while you stuck with only getting laid once a month."

Ashton glared and motioned him to shut his mouth, "Shut up and run your fingers back through my hair."

There won't be any mpreg, that makes me vv uncomfy and its not my forte.

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