{| 𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 |}

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It had been a while since they had seen a new face around, in the literal sense. The foundlings rarely, if even, see the bare face of another that wasn't each other, as they have not yet sworn to the Creed. It felt bizarre in a way when the stranger was brought to them. One moment they were attending their lessons and the next they saw Din Djarin carrying a limp form of an outsider while yelling out for medical assistance.

Like any curious child, they attempted to follow and find out the extent of the stranger's injuries, but were scolded by Paz Vizla to not enter and sent to rest despite the early evening.

They listened temporarily, waking up earlier the next day and gathered around the young girl's bedside. They immediately notice the long, stitched line that traveled diagonally across the space between her brows, near the inner corner of her eye, to down the side of her regal nose. They awe at the potential scar and quietly discuss amongst each other the possible cause of the injury, coming up with exaggerated, detailed stories that paint the wound as an epic battle scar.

Eventually, their discussions grew louder than whispers, pulling the girl out of her slumber with a groan.

The foundlings tensed still, gazing at each other with similar expressions of panic as the girl's eyes slowly opened.

They waited in suspense for her immediate reaction, preparing themselves to catch her if she planned to run or reassure her if she were to freak out. However, surprising them all, she merely tilted her head questioningly with furrowed brows at the random children around her.

By then the Armorer had entered the room with a bowl of broth in her gloved hands and firmly asked the foundlings to leave for early meal so they could start their daily lessons.

They didn't dare argue as they sucurried quickly out of the room, nearly bumping into a disapproving Paz who stood tall and broad with crossed arms and a shaking helmet.

The girl sat up within her cot holding her now empty bowl within her fidgeting hands as she listened to the strong, modulated voice of the woman before her. She calmly informed the young girl that she was in no danger and was brought to them to heal her wounds. Wounds that would have been infected and possibly fatal if not treated properly.

After processing the consoling words, her worries were now faded and her mind drifted to admiring the style and design of the woman's attire that was vaguely similar to the masked man she had met.

She was also covered head to toe. No display of skin. Her helmet was a contrasting gold with spikes adorning the top, similar to a crown. A shawl of fur laid upon her shoulders that looked soft to the touch, and her chest plate was of a shade of maroon without the presence of dents or marks of battle.

The girl's admiration was cut short when she realized the woman had gone silent and was offering her extended hand to her. No sign of hostility or sense of danger was telling her to decline and run. She felt oddly safe in the presence of this stranger, nervous but secure.

Her hand was grasped in leather as they walked through the middle of what seems to be a tunnel with many other armored individuals. Their vacant vizors turning to focus on the pair as they walk past. The girl was slightly unnerved at the undivided attention and stepped closer to the Armorer's side.

They eventually enter through an archway that held a rather large skull of a creature that she did not recognize-one that had a long snout and tusks.

The Armorer departs her hand from the girl and walks to the furnace set in the middle of the room, turning on the blue flames. She speaks to her about performing a high honor within the culture of her people and how she will offer her a choice.

If she desires, the girl can decide whether to be returned to the planet she originally resided or choose to stay to grow, learn, and be accepted alongside the other children to become a part of the Tribe.

The girl's eyes were wide with wonder and contemplation. She weighed the options within her mind and realized the struggles she would have to face again if she were to return to the forest. Unlike here where she was given food and woke up in a bed that wasn't a single layer of fabric on the ground.

She voices her choice of the latter and the Armorer nods at her answer, retrieving an item from a nearby worktable.

A pendant with a smaller version of the mysterious animal skull she previously saw was tied around her neck.

"Olarom, ad'ika."

She didn't hide her confusion at the spoken language.

"You will learn soon enough."


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