Chapter 3

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Leonardo's POV

"Land the chopper," I ordered,

A flicker of terror crossed the pilot's face as his eyes met mine. "But sir..." he tried to speak. I responded with a silent, icy stare, chilling the air and sending any potential argument in vain. The whirring blades soon whined down as we touched onto the rooftop of Aqua Vieta, one of the pharmaceutical giants in Italy.

Stepping off the chopper, I surveyed the stretched-out cityscape beneath me. I strode towards the building entrance, ignoring the flurry of glances and silent whispers that erupted in my way. My reputation was a potential force field, clearing a path through the crowd of people in the lobby. No one dared to approach, their apprehension a silent acknowledgment of my presence. It was exhilarating, this tangible power that preceded me wherever I went.

The double doors to the CEO's office swung open, revealing Mr. Pierre Michel, the CEO of the company, frozen in utter shock. His eyes, normally sharp and calculating, bulged like a startled fish.

Beside him, a young secretary with slicked-back hair, barely out of his twenties, fumbled with a greeting. His voice, raspy with fear, barely formed the words, "What... what brings you here, Mr. Bernardi?" I ignored him, letting the silence in the room stretch, thick and suffocating. It pressed down on the already tense atmosphere, turning the air stale and heavy.

Across the desk, Michel stirred. He slowly pushed himself up from his plush leather chair, extending a hand towards me. His face, usually a mask of practiced composure, was etched with unease. "Mr. Bernardi," he croaked, his voice strained. "What a pleasure do I own to have you here?"

The tremor in his voice was barely concealed, and his hand, when he offered it, was far from steady. I held his gaze, unmoving, letting the silence build. Each tick of the grandfather clock on the wall echoed like a hammer blow in the stifling quiet. Finally, unable to withstand the pressure, Michel awkwardly withdrew his hand, clearing his throat with a dry cough that betrayed his nervousness. I could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead, mirroring the growing tension in the room.

But then, before he could fully retreat into the comfort of his plush chair, the door swung open with a decisive thud. Dante entered, flanked by two of my most imposing bodyguards. Their heads dipped in a silent gesture of respect as they filed in, their presence adding another layer of weight to the already tense atmosphere.

Dante wasted no time on introductions. He marched straight to the desk, every step echoing with purpose. With a dramatic flourish, he slammed a thick file onto the polished surface, right in front of Michel. "Sign this," he rasped, his voice as stoic as a stone statue. That's why Dante was my right-hand man; he understood the power of directness, of cutting through the fluff and getting straight to the point. No unnecessary games, just cold efficiency.

Michel's eyebrows shot up as he flickered his gaze between me and Dante. He hesitated, then tentatively opened the file.

"What is this?" he asked, his voice shaky.

"Agreement between Aqua Vieta and Bernardi's," Dante declared,

The color drained from Michel's face. "But... we already have a partnership with a Russian company, Mr. Bernardi. I'm afraid we can't accept this." His voice held a newfound steadiness, but I wasn't buying it. My stare met his, icy and unwavering.

"Mr. Pierre Michel," I spoke, my voice echoing in the silence of the office, each word laced with authority and a hint of dominance. The man who'd tried to welcome me earlier stood frozen, fear etched on his features.

"I am not here to play partner with you," I continued, stepping closer, my voice dropping to a low growl. Terror flickered in his eyes, a stark contrast to the powerful CEO image he usually projected.

"I want this company," I stated, each word deliberate as I closed the distance, the last remnants of color draining from his face. My gaze held his captive, leaving no room for misunderstanding. "And I'm here to buy it."

The man crumbled, getting to his knees before me, his pleas and tears filling the air.

"Mr. Bernardi, I beg you, this company is a result of my lifetime hardship."

It was pathetic, really. I almost regretted coming here. I should have left Dante to handle this. I couldn't tolerate weakness, especially not from someone who hadn't even tried to fight for what they had.

"We don't care about your sob story," Dante cut him off, his voice flat and cold. "We made you an offer. Sign the papers, or I can make you an example."

He flinched at the word "example," his eyes widening in panicked realization. This wasn't a negotiation. He looked at me in complete terror. The sniffles stopped. A sheen of fear glazed his eyes as he reached for the pen. The scratch of the pen filled the room, slow and agonizing. Each stroke was a surrender, a testament to his pathetic lack of fight. Finally, with a shaky flourish, he finished.

"I'll complete the rest of the procedure," Dante said. I gave him a curt nod and turned to leave, the whirring blades of my chopper already thrummed in my ears, beckoning me back to the rhythm of action. Night was swallowing the city, painting the cityscape in shades of purple and gold. Rome, the city of lovers and tourists, glowed with an alien beauty, a stark contrast to the cold steel of my world. Love, trust, affection - these were weaknesses I couldn't afford.

The chopper touched down on the helipad of the gigantic mansion, a dark silhouette against the twilight sky. As I stepped out, a glint of metal caught my eye. A sword, aimed straight at me, sailed through the air. With a practiced twist of my body, I dodged the flying projectile, watching it embed itself in the chopper's control panel with a sickening thud.

My gaze snapped to the source of the attack. I saw my attacker standing there smiling wickedly. The power play has already begun. I just hope I am not too late...

Hey guys, firstly sorry for the short chapter. I hope you guys are looking forward to the next chapter. Things are going to go on a roller coaster after this.

See you in the next chapter...

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