Chapter 7

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Leonardo's POV

Two days, two freaking days since Dante had flown to Paris, and still no concrete information had emerged. They inspected the main factory yesterday and came up with nothing. My tolerance is wearing thin. I scowled as I scanned the report Noah had emailed me, each dry sentence offering no clues.

Aden shouldered the responsibility of extracting the details, but the weight of his failed attempt hung heavy in the air. His man had come up empty-handed. Failure wasn't a word tolerated within these walls, and the simmering anger in my gut threatened to erupt.

As if on cue, Aden entered my office, frustration written all over his face. He was wearing the same suit as yesterday. Last night, we received Dante's message that they had completed a thorough investigation of the factory but found nothing suspicious. I sank back into my chair, bracing myself for whatever bullshit excuse he is going to throw because, by the look on his face, I am sure he still didn't have anything useful.

He bows before speaking "Prince, we have scanned every physical and digital document and tiniest bit of information but have found nothing illegal, but I got hands on something which can be useful" he finishes his sentence with a heavy sigh.

"Then why are you waiting?" He passed me a tablet with some employee details, I read it carefully they were Aqua Vieta's corporate employees and factory workers.

"These employees are from the main head office and some factory workers, their profiles are good nothing suspicious. But they all have something in common, they do not have any kind of digital presence." He filled me in with details of every employee.

"Then find out about these people, what are you waiting for" I know he is best at his work but right now I need speed and these people are moving like a turtle, I don't have time for this.

"We are trying, France is a completely different country we don't have enough resources there" Aden brushed his hand through his hair, he knew I wasn't going to get convinced with this.

Just then, the door creaked open. Noah strolled in, completely oblivious to the tension in the room. "Hey boss, how's it going?"

This guy had a knack for showing up late precisely when I needed him most. "If you enter my office without knocking again" I growled, "you'll be missing a few fingers."

He held his hands up in mock surrender, offering a goofy grin. "Whoa there, boss. I just came back from a vacation." He paused, his voice dipping briefly into seriousness. "Look, I gave you everything I could find, but I can't conjure information out of thin air, especially if it's not online." He winced like a scolded child and sat down, narrowly avoiding getting kicked out.

"Then, why the hell you are here?" I shouted trying to keep my demeanor neutral.

"Because I can't hack into their system from this far," he explains. "I need access to their server."

I shut my laptop and rise from my seat, fixing a stern gaze on Noah before turning to Aden. "Get the jet ready. I'll leave for Paris in the evening," I instruct, I fix Noah with a steely stare. "And if you don't want me to throw you out of the plane mid-flight, don't be late."

Exiting the room, I sense a presence trailing behind me. Any human in my position can get paranoid, there have been many attacks on me but I trust my shadow. As I step into the lift and make my way to the main entrance, my shadow is there, ever watchful. The car pulls up as I exit the building, and the shadow glides in front of me opens the door with a silent bow, and slides into the passenger seat beside me. Not a word is spoken as he directs the driver to our destination. Ten words at most is his usual limit. Luccien, my head of security, is as silent and stoic as my own shadow. He doesn't follow me everywhere, but it's clear he doesn't trust anyone around me, and I trust him more than anyone, even my family.

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