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Hey, everyone! I come bearing some exciting news! 

Me and fendicult have decided to collaborate!

This story idea originally belongs to her, but she asked me to work with her on creating the plot and bringing this story to a great finish!

All of the chapters that are already completed will be uploaded in the matter of the next few days. We hope you all are going to enjoy reading and we encourage you to vote and comment as much as you want!

Love, Ria & Mavi

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A friendly reminder that there will be scenes that could be disturbing to some audience.

Trigger warnings ⚠️ mature content ahead!

*coarse language, maybe some sexual themes, but we'll see when we get that far.*

Do not read if you are uncomfortable with such scenes.

But the rest of you...

Are you ready to spice some things up?

And I mean that...

In a literal way...

Let's go.

All rights reserved.
2024 © fendicult, blacksoulXOXO

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