Chapter Thirty Two

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I wake up laying on my stomach and with my face buried in the pillow. For a few seconds, my mind deceives me that I'm back at home, in my own bed, but the images of last night are quick to invade all of my senses. A lazy smile stretches across my lips and I inhale deeply, recognizing the familiar smell of JK in his own sheets.

I can feel the warmth radiating off of his leg that's pressed against my side, and I slowly turn around, letting my limbs out into a satisfying stretch while I lay on my back. Trailing my eyes over at JK, I see that he's still fast asleep and breathing deeply with the covers only concealing his lower body. I nuzzle closer, placing a kiss on his neck in an attempt to wake him, and in less than a minute, I succeed in my task.

His immediate reaction is to drag me closer and hum in satisfaction, managing to scrape the covers off of me and leave me naked. Getting on top of me and layering wet kisses across my collarbones, he finally looks up. From the dimly lit room, I can't see his pupils, but from the way his eyes are completely black, they're most likely dilated.

"I gotta go," I say quietly, still tired as I brush my fingers through his long hair. I immediately make him relax and drop his head in the hollow of my neck, and he closes his eyes again while staying still.

"Mm..I'll se ya tonight." He speaks lowly, and we stay like that for a few minutes longer. In the meantime, I have much to think about. I keep on trying to comprehend how it all happened, changing the limits of our comfort and a smile is unknowingly bringing itself to my lips. Even if I tried, I couldn't describe the happiness I currently feel and as much as I would like to share it with Mel and Ronnie, I know that it's best if I keep it to myself, at least for now.

After getting the strength to move and get up, I find my clothes and get dressed before taking my bag and leaving the studio. JK fell asleep again and I let him be, not trying to disturb him. 

The air is fresh outside, looming a nice chilly blanket over me as I make my way home and greet a few people that know me because of my mother. While I've no idea of who exactly they are, I still offer a smile along the way. When I get up to the front door and down the short hallway, Ronnie is behind the kitchen counter, making herself breakfast. Upon landing her gaze on me, her eyes widen and she rushes to my side. "Are you crazy? Where you been?" She whispers at me urgently and grabs my arm.

"With JK. Where's Rio?" I whisper back.

"He's not home. I haven't seen him since yesterday. You both are a bunch of crazies."

"Did he say where he was going?" I keep on questioning, not wanting to make excuses for my absence again and piling up even more lies over the ones I have already told him.

"No idea. If he didn't tell me, then he probably didn't say nothing to momma either," Ronnie shrugs. "Go shower. You want some pancakes?"

"Yes please." I grin and quickly leave the kitchen. For some reason I have this restless feeling inside of me that refuses to let go and makes me rush through with the shower and the whole process of finding some fresh comfortable clothes to put on. With my hair let down and ready to air dry, I meet my sister back at the table. There are two plates full of fresh pancakes and a generous amount of syrup drizzled all over them, while some raspberries are settled in a small handmade bowl on the side. Ronnie comes closer and sits down with two cups in her hold, pushing one to me with a knowing smirk on her lips.

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