11-Traitors Side

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" He's sick." Dain says as he brushes his thumb over my face softly, he got ice for my new cut and here for moral support as we wait for a mender Dain knows named Nolan. He comes in, an older man with kind green eyes. " Good Morning." He greets.

I wince out a small smile, " Hello."

" Is this the Sorrengail?" Nolan asks.

" Yes, she's the youngest one." Dain says. Nolan nods, " I see, I think I've needed to mend your whole family..looks like you got in quite a scuffle dear.."

" She won a spar then Xaden Riorson decided to get at her." Dain answers again. Nolan's face falls but is replaced with another small smile, " I'd say you held your ground quite well if your not dead."

I manage somewhat of a proud smile, " If he wasn't so damned fast he'd be dead."

Nolan still smiles, but doesn't say anything about the matter. " Have you ever been mended before?" I shake my head no, He hands me a piece of leather, " You'll want to bite this." I no more put it into my mouth when searing pain comes again and I scream.

It hurt so much I passed out.

By the time I woke again, I was back in... someone's room.. Dain's room. He was on the other side of me lightly brushing over my leg with his hand reading when I stirred. His gaze goes to mine and a small smile forms. " Finally you wake up."

" Why..why am I here?"

" I wasn't going to let Hetta look after you, no way in hell. So I brought you here to spend the night. Just until your recovered to walk tomorrow. I rewrapped our knee to keep in in place, I also managed to get some pain killers if you need them.. cadets aren't supposed to have them, but I suppose I could break a rule for you one time." He smiles softly talking a mile a minute.

I return the smile, " Thank you. Where is she?"

" I'm assuming back in your room." He sighs brushing my cheek, he stares.. I can't describe the expression, but I know he wants to talk, to ask a million questions... " Freya... what was that... back there..with Gates.."

" I lost control." I admit in a hushed tone, " That thing happened again. I didn't want to kill him Dain.. I really didn't.. but he was going to kill me."

" I know." Dain whispers. " I know... this place isn't kind..and sometimes you need to do drastic things like that."

" Have you ever..."

He nods, " Yes, a gut tried killing me during Threshing..he wanted Cath. And.. he almost got me until I drove my knife in his ribs letting him bleed out right then and there." He shakes his head lightly, " I'm not blaming or judging you.."

I shift slightly.. going closer to him. " I know."

We sat in silence for awhile, it was peaceful and most definitely comfortable. " How does your knee feel?" He asks.

" Hurts."

" Here." He reaches over grabbing two painkillers that looked like two grains of rice, " They're tiny but potent. Take them." He hands them to me and I easily swallow, Dain pulls me a little closer to him so my head lays on his chest, he pulls up my covers a little higher and a sigh in contempt. " You know... I think you impressed him." Dain whispers.

" What?"

" Riorson. I think you surprised him. I just walked in when you stabbed Gates, I saw him I saw how he was looking at you, I saw shock cross his face when you picked him up and snapped his neck. That was the first time I saw shock on his face."

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