16- Presentation Day 2

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My foot rolls off the log, everything was moving so fast....

Dain is watching, Hetta, even Xaden, this is what he wanted... My mom is going to see thr death roll and see I wasn't worthy, Mira is going to get notified that her sister has fallen....

I feel the absolute terror as I scream trying to grip the rope a I fall, just falling short it brushes my hand.. until it's basically thrown at me. I must've lurched forward or something in the panic because I grabbed it holding tight.

" Climb Freya!" I hear Hetta scream.

" Shit..shit.." I tremble, but I manage to climb back up again swinging to the last platform where the 90 degree platform was with the timer there staring down at me, when I touch the ground I almost fall from shaking so bad.

I need to get up... I need to finish this damn thing..

I now heave as I look at it for just a second.. I take a couple steps back eyeing it. " I can do this.. I can do this.." I repeat.

With one more breath again I lurch forward with my jelly feeling legs, runnign harder, running faster hoping they don't go out on me as I run up the ramp, I hump one final time gripping the side.


I pull myself up rolling on the floor... I made it... I grin laughing just a bit. " Name?" One of the scribes say. " Fr.. Freya.. Sorren..gail.." I heave.

" Your time is 8 minutes. with the penalty included." He states. " Good job."

I manage to get up, my legs giving out another time as I try to stand once more. After I couple attempts I do, but then I throw up... I'm so lucky Xaden isn't up here. I sit by a stone trying to relax myself until I see Hetta.

She moves through the whole course gracefully, not missing a single step. I was afraid Xaden would try something on the logs like I think he tried with me but she crosses them, not even looking tried as she runs up the ramp and on the top.

She smiles broadly as she declares her name, her time being 7:45 which was awesome. She spots me and quickly wraps me in a hug. " Your ok... I thought you were going to die.. I thought you were going to fall.. We were so scared."

" Yea, me too... But I'm here."

She hugs me for a good 10 seconds after before pulling away, " I'm glad we'll never have to do that again."

I smile, " Your telling me."

" Impressive timing first year." Garrick, a third year and alos one what was at the meeting in the woods says. " Would've been the fastest yet if you didn't use the rope. But it's better then being dead." He offers.

This was the first time he spoke to me... I give a smile. " Thank you Garrick."

He looks surprised I know his name but he nods as he keeps walking. I thought it still a little strange he's talk to me but I don't question. We watch as our other squad mates go, Ridoc, Liam and Tynan. Who all pass, Tynan shaking almost as bad as I did.

Liam set a new record of 6:55. I'm wondering when Xaden is going to put me with him and say no one leaves the mat until the other is dead. I think at this point he might be one of few that could actually kill me. Right below Xaden.

" We're tied."

I whip around to see Xaden standing beside me, He looks at me boredly " This is the second time I could've just snuck up on you and.." He made a fake dying noise before he does that annoyingly perfect smile.

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