41- After the Task

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I wasn't exactly in the celebratory mood once Riorson walked away.... Liam and Hetta tried but eventually Liam ended up bringing me back to my room.

" I wouldn't get to worked up about it Freya." Liam says lightly nudging into me. " No need for you to get all down."

I shake my head, rolling my eyes. " I'm not down because he didn't say congrats..."

" Sure?" He gives me a pointed look just telling me he knows it's BS.... I mean maybe... It was a hell of alot of effort to get that damned thing. I mean he looked surprised... But just something doesn't quite sit right.

I roll my eyes, " Ok..maybe a little.. but his words is what's bugging me."

" His words?"

I sigh, " Yea, somethign along the lines to not go snooping into something I know nothing about. He acts like he'd know about all those little things on the map. I mean I saw the gryphons but what else?"

Liam looks away quickly shrugging, " I don't know. I mean, technically all the wings grabbed something they really didn't know about right? Ours just came from... a more private place."

" I think Carr will have my head to. He seemed pissed."

Again he was quiet for a bit, I glanced at him seeing him work his mouth looking back at me before looking away just as quickly. " I mean, like I said none of the teachers thought we'd go to the General's office. I mean if we can break in who says gryphon riders couldn't right? I mean... that was considered a security breech."

He was right. We could've found alot deeper stuff then just a map. Ridoc tried.

" That's maybe why Xaden said that. Because we could actually get killed, and if you get killed-"

" We both get killed. Yes, it's engraved." I mutter.

" He has the most broken ways to show it... but he's a kind caring person." Liam adds quietly.

I almost laugh out loud, " Yea.." I shake my head, " I'll never understand why you guys think you owe him so much, and why you defend him tooth and nail."

" I've told you already."

" Not in detail.."

" Maybe one day." 

" One day...my ass." I mumble smirking at him.

He stops, " You think I wouldn't?"

" I have a feeling you would've already but your boss told you otherwise." I state crossing my arms.

He didn't have a response, only proving I was infact right. " It wouldn't be my place to say anything anyways." He says quickly looking around the hall, scanning for I know any sort of threat. I'm used to it by now...

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