65- The Betrayers

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Everyone scatters. Dragons included.

Rhys stays on me, Segyl stays, Andarna, and Rhys... He can't really move at the moment anyways.

" You promise to stay calm...semi calm.." Xaden asks once again. For the first time I see the smallest sheen of sweat on him, I see blowing your cover really makes you on edge... Wait until I get ahold of a damn sword...

Rhys presses his claw firmer on me.

" I think it would benefit you Wingleader to re-shackle her. At least until your done explaining."

" She promised." Xaden answers within my head.

" Well seeing she tried killing you and melting me, I think safety is in out best intrests. I can feel her radiate power." Rhys responds.

Xaden sighs heavily " Hold on for a second." He mumbles standing walking to the small fire on the left of us... I watch him for serveral seconds before my eyes dart back to Liam and Hetta's who as soon as they saw me they refused to look at me.

Xaden comes back with two pairs of shackles...why do they have so many...

He comes to Rhy's claw gently gripping my arm, it locks. " Other one." He demands glancing at me.

I don't move just glaring at him, he sighs slowly reaching for my other hand, I don't fight, I don't resist.. I just stare.

Once the shackles were one me Rhys Finally gets off, though he has the end of my braid in his mouth so I can't run.... Xaden looks sullen as he stays bent down about to put the shackles on my ankles, I debated trying to knee him in the face.

But he must've thought of that already because he kept a firm grip on my knee so it doesn't come up and hit him. I looks up at me, his golden specked eyes beaming. He eyes my clothes, everything before looking up at me again.

Carefully, he pulls every single one of my daggers out of my sheathes, passing them to Hetta who was putting them in my pack, still refusing to look at me, though I could see her eyes were teary.

" Stand or sit?" Xaden asks.

" Sit." I reply.

He nods helping me to sit on the log with the three sitting across from me and our dragons around us as if blocking us out from any wandering eyes.

" Have you ever heard your mother talk about anything outside of Navarre?" Xaden asks.

" Wouldn't you marked traitors love to know." I snap.

He doesn't even flinch or look offended. " There is things they're not telling you. Many things that they keep hidden from all the people of Navarre, except for the select." Xaden continues. "Things your mother would kill for to keep it hidden."

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