NUGGET 1-Passion

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   Now, before we get into the good stuff, everyone, let’s talk about passion!

   Passion is that drive—that fuel—that pushes creative fingers to pick up a pen and create beautiful pictures with words.
It is that zeal behind eager fingers moving over a keyboard or even a keypad, typing their voice out, telling a wonderful story that needs to be heard.

   Passion gives a writer strength to look beyond low read counts or the initial hurdles that would most likely come! It helps you overcome your writing fears.

   If you want to start a writing journey, I would place emphasis on passion because what’s the point of starting something you are not passionate about?
   Passion gives your talent an edge, a drive to go on and sparks your creativity. If you don’t truly love writing, it is also impossible to be a good writer.

‘Do you know that your passion can also inspire those around you?’

   You have little passion? Feed it, nurture it, take good care of it and watch it blossom.

How do I cultivate a writing passion? Here are some pointers;

1) Kick perfectionism to the curb! There’s no such thing as a perfect work but a passionate work does exist.

2) Learn everyday, every time, everywhere! Whether it’s how to build a better plot structure or verb tenses or even how to punctuate properly, be a ready learner.

3)Try out new things! If one way doesn’t work out, try a different approach.

4) Don’t be afraid to be told no! Let your creativity speak for you.

5)Inspire yourself! Always depending on someone or something won’t always cut it.

6)Read other books, especially those you love! Remember, a writer is first a reader.

Action point
Think of more creative ways to cultivate your passion. A good start would be positively affirming, ‘I AM A PASSIONATE WRITER!’ in front of a mirror.

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