NUGGET 11-Book cover

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You know that saying, don’t judge a book by it’s cover?... yeah, it doesn’t always work that way. Personally speaking, I love books with catchy covers—it sort of makes one want to immediately delve in. The cover of a book is the first thing a potential reader would see and regardless of how great a story is, a wacky cover would be an instant put off.

Usually, covers are unique to the genre of the work. Can you picture rainbows and unicorns on the front cover of a horror flick? That’s definitely out of place.

Now without further ado, here are some quick tips on choosing that perfect book cover;

• Stand out! The title and author’s name should be seen vividly at first glance. But don’t try to cramp in too much texts. That’s I shorter book titles are more preferable.

• Genre; The genre of the work should be easily known by merely looking at the cover.

• Subtitles; Sometimes, a quirky or intriguing sub text usually above or below the title is the right hook for your readers.

• High quality images; Try as much as you can.

• Font & font sizes; Remember, the title is the boldest text. Avoid too many different fonts and colors all at once.

Finally and most importantly, keep things simple, unique and basically you!

I suggest user friendly graphic design apps like Canva or Photoshop. You could get inspired by simply playing around with cover designs. Otherwise, there are a lot book cover shops on Wattpad or you could get assistance from a professional.

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