NUGGET 3-Inspiration

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   Do you know that inspiration leads to creativity and vice versa.

   As writers, we live and breathe creativity. Inspiration is crucially needed to keep the creative juices flowing.

   Finding inspiration is unique to an individual so you have to find your inspiration. And just because something works for some writers doesn't mean it works for everyone.

   Now, there are sometimes, maybe a point where you’ve totally lost inspiration and it seems almost impossible to find your voice.

   Here’s my advice; take a healthy step back and just breathe. It is not advisable to beat yourself up, most times our bodies and our minds need a little break. Try something relaxing then come back feeling refreshed and re-motivated.

   Here are a couple of things to draw inspiration from:
•Your passion: if your writing passion can't inspire you, I don’t know what else would.

•Hobbies: check out doing some other things you love. It could be gardening, sewing, music, graphic design… whatever it is you love. They could inspire you to create new characters.

•Scenic landscapes and buildings. Take the London Bridge for example.

•People watching.

•Readers’ support: This has to be one of the most amazing source of inspiration.

•Family friends and loved ones.

   Lastly, inspiration is not just a one time thing. Our minds, just like a machine that needs to be regularly lubricated, need to be constantly inspired. See you in the next nugget!

Action point
Draw inspiration from reading other works.

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