NUGGET 2-Genre

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Let’s talk about genres!

   According to the Longman dictionary of contemporary English, a genre is a particular type of art, music, writing etc.

   Do you know that the word ‘genre’ has French and Latin roots? Quel genre de livre aimez-vous  écrire? What type of book do you like to write?

   Personally, I particularly love writing mystery/thrillers. They keep readers at the edge of their seats. Other than that, I love historical fiction, crime drama and romance (most people’s favorite). But there are lots and lots of exciting genres a writer can choose to explore!

   Now, the genre is a books primary identity. The first thing someone would like to know before reading a book is what type (genre) of book is this.

   Moreover, genres give writers direction. It is crucial to stick to the genre of your work to avoid confusions.

Let's explore a couple of genres below;
• Action/Adventure
• Chick lit
• Fantasy/ fairy tale
•Historical fiction
•Mystery thriller
•Short story
•Crime drama
•YA/NA, Teen fic and so much more...

   Here’s a little twist, when it comes to genres, sometimes you just can’t have one genre. There are double -barreled genres like: crime -drama, paranormal- romance, historical- romance… and so on. Just remember that there have to be a balance or harmony between both genres in the work.

   In summary, genres are helpful because they are easy ways to classify books. They are exciting too because they pique readers’ interest.

Action point
Explore reading or writing or whole new genre you’ve never tried before.

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