NUGGET 12-Book Title

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Every writer has at one point or another encountered the perplexity of choosing a book suitable title. I’ve been there. In fact, we've all been there. Dare I liken it to picking out a baby name. It could sometimes be overwhelming.

But, don’t fret if you’ve started a work and haven’t yet thought out of that title that’s just right. It happens and it’s totally okay to go with the flow.

Here’s my advice; You’ve got that captivating plot idea you want to explore? What are you waiting for?! Dive right in! You’d most likely get a book title inspiration along the way. Sometimes, book titles come spontaneously, sometimes they are derived from a part of the book.

This isn’t to say that some writers don’t choose a book title before they start their journey —either way is perfect.

Without any further ado, here are some general pointers to consider when choosing your amazing book title;

• Simplicity: A reader would most likely remember a short, simple title than an ambiguous one. Not only that, simple titles help your cover look lot less cramped up. So guys, remember to keep it simple.

• Avoid controversial or triggering topics. Trust me, having readers cringe at your title isn’t a great start at all.

• Originality: This can’t be stressed enough. No one likes a cliché or a rip off. Let your title be unique to your story. That way it remains fresh and uniquely you.

• Informative: Give your readers an immediate idea of what they’re getting into even right from the start. For instance, a book titled, “A debutante’s wish” screams historical fiction, perhaps with a tinge of romance. While a title such as “Earth X” sounds more like a sci-fi or a fantasy work.

Still finding it difficult to pick out a title? Not to worry, I’ve got your back. Think about your MC’s main motive in the story...what does your MC wants the most? That’s a start.

Ponder on a critical event or a turning point in the plot, let’s say, the inciting incident. Or a plot twist in the story. There’s a title waiting right there. What about the conflict resolution? The happy ending? That should inspire a title.

One last suggestion would be, what’s your MC like? What adjectives describe them? What are their habits or tendencies? Think about their heritage and culture and there you go!

Finally, just like book covers, titles must also suit the genre of the work. They should be attention grabbing, easy to say and remember. Also, remember to ask the opinions of loved ones or friends if you’ve come up with a title but just aren’t sure how it sounds.

That being said, I hope this nugget has been helpful enough and you’ve got that brilliant title coming right up. See you in the next nugget!

Action point
Book title generators or AI are helpful resources. I’d love to hear your creative  book title ideas in the comments section. Practice coming up with different titles for the fun of it.

Be sure to hit the comment section with your questions, comments or feedback!

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