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The world was a hard place, harder than any 1800’s man seeing an ankle.

Especially as an adult, having to work only making ends meet for the week due to lower paying jobs that most people had to deal with, even yourself.

Having little time to deal with mental illness due to the prices of food, rent and electricity going higher up each and every year when working a low paying job meaning you and others had to pick more and more shifts up, it was difficult, making people fall into deep depressions only to end up killing themselves later on in their life, you didn't want that to happen to you, others you didn't care about,  you had yourself to worry about.

And of course the Tamagotchi that was in your hands currently while you ate a carrot, far too lazy to make yourself a proper meal.

You stared at your screen, pressing the buttons on it to feed your pet, the only real therapy you'd need.

You liked the fact that you had something to live for, even if it was some sort of electronic pet that could die easily within a second of you leaving it alone.

You were glued to the thing almost 24/7, even going as far as to name it, the name being? Dick, yes, you named your stupid little fucking Tamagotchi pet Dick.

It was funny to you when you first got the Tamagotchi, chuckling whenever saying ‘hi there lil dick’ but now it had gotten old, no longer making you chuckle or even giggle.

You sluggishly made your way to the living room, still munching and crunching on a carrot as you played around with Dick, the TV was still playing the news, news that you didn't even pay attention to, only paying attention to it when a loud-yet not so loud due to the TV slightly cancelling what would've been a deafening explosion and a flash on the screen which caused you to look up with furrowed eyebrows.

You purse your lips, not knowing what to do, or more specifically, how you should react to this.

You kept your hand on the Tamagotchi even when snapping your head to the front door of your house, loud banging and raspy screaming caused you to freak out slightly “what the fuck..” you mumbled over and over so very softly to yourself as you went further away from the door, carrot now on plate near your lamp.

What exactly should you do? Do you- oh wait hold on, gotta check on Dick real quick- we good, do you try to see who it is on the side window? Do you scramble to your room and hide or do you just open the door? Well the person banging at the door chose their own route, slamming themselves through the side window, breaking the glass entirely causing you to quickly back away, eyes wide as you gulped.

The man- zombie? Shot off of the floor, blood staining his lips and chin while his eyes were bloodshot, a bite wound on the side of his face, his face looking as if it almost got ripped off, he hissed-? Roared-? Screamed-? Close but, No, no he cried, literally sobbing out a scream as he started attackinh, not immediately biting like normal zombies you've seen in shows, Dick fell out of your hand, clanking against the floor as you tried to keep the man at bay as he slapped, punched and scratched you with his blunt nails, the blood from his mouth dripping onto your facing causing you to cringe and cry out, struggling to get him away, you reached over grabbing the carrot that had rolled off of the paper plate when when you had accidentally bumped the table, before digging it into the man's eye, using as much force as you could and throwing him off of you.

Your hands snagged Dick quickly, making sure your virtual pet was okay before you looked back at the sobbing man? Creature? As he got up, carrot lodged into his eye causing you to back away as he snarled.

“Back the fuck up.” Your voice shook as you said those four words, hands shaking as you stuffed Dick into the pocket of your already dirtied shorts.

Your life would've almost flash before your eyes if you didn't grab the lamp that was placed near your couch, slamming the bottom porcelain bit into the side of his head, effectively knocking him down for a short while.

He screamed as he shot back up up, some bits of the lamp sticking from his head, you stared in horror, the blood dripped down his face and onto your carpeted floor.

Your poor, poor carpet.

Once more, the thing lunged at you, you were unable to dodge due to overthinking on what to do, not like you could've dodged with how slow your reflexes were.

It's as if it was happening in slow motion before it sped up as he jumped on-top of you, slamming your back into the ground once more, feeling a sharp piece of porcelain being slightly jammed into your skin causing you to grunt and clench your jaw, as you held the man away.

The feeling of deja vu as he slammed his hands into you, trying to weaken your defences to take a bite out of you.

Using one hand to keep him at bay- which was miserably failing as he inched closer, jaw snapping- while your other hand reached over, grabbing anothrt chunk of your lamp and stabbing it into his neck.

His cries soon turned into gargles as he slowly went limp, you panted as you pushed him off of your body, the carrot going deeper in his eye socket with how he landed on his face.

You scrambled away, ignoring how the other shards of your lamp cut your bare feet, feet pics? So sorry.

Your hand reached around grabbing the piece of porcelain that somehow got into your side, your hands shook as you tried to tug it out only to let out a whimper due to the pain.

You let out deep breaths as you clenched your jaw and ripped it out, you threw it away your hands immediately gripping the bleeding wound as you stood up, your legs felt like jelly while your eyes scanned the limp man on your loungeroom floor, your mouth felt dry as you backed up until your back had hit the wall, you turned your attention to the yelling that was going on outside.

Your hands quickly check your pockets as you pulled Dick out, making sure it's okay and not feeling unloved before putting him back in your pockets, you didn't care about shoes at this very moment, you needed out, you didn't know if more of those things would be able to get in, and with all the horror games you've played, you knew not to stay in one spot, especially within an unsecure house such as your own.

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