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Your feet hurt as you ran along with the crowd, getting pushed by others as some got tackled by the infected.

Your feet was still bleeding from the cuts, as you ran as fast as your injured body could, even fucking into an alley and hoping you wouldn't get spotted.

Slowly but surely you made your way through the alley, being as quiet as possible, the Injuries on your feet were definitely gonna get infected due to the disgusting alley juices on the floor, you couldn't be focused on that not when people were getting ripped apart behind you.

You stayed silent, trying to calm down your sobs, your side was throbbing and the initial fear of the current situation? Making you want to curl up into a ball and sob to your Tamagotchi pet.

Why did this situation have to happen to you? And your Tamagotchi? You were already feeling like shit due to your living situation but now you felt like even more shit with what was currently happening, the smell of iron everywhere, the sight of red splattered on the walls, floors and anything close enough would probably haunt you for as long as you lived- which wouldn't be for much longer if you didn't move.

You made sure Dick was secure before going down the alley as quietly as you could- your head was pounding out of fear.

Your breath felt like it had left your body, which it probably did but instead of returning it stayed out as you witnessed a man get mauled by a blood soaked woman- the sight.. oh fucking god the sight, watching as the man's neck was ripped apart, blood pouring everywhere as the man gargles in his own blood, the flesh of his neck exposed as he laid limply while the woman teared into him.

You've watched gameplays and movies like this, you never thought it would be really happening, a scenario like this? Something horrific like this happening in front of your eyes? It felt like it was straight out of fiction.

You side stepped away from them, going on the other side of the alley, it was just as bad as the other street, crowded with people running, screaming and being tackled and then chewed on as if they were dog toys.

Just like before you started running with the crowd, determined to survive, even if that meant pushing a person or two to the ground as a sacrifice.

Anything to survive, even if that meant killing others.

Finally you were away from the crowd, away from the screams, pushing, yelling and the sound of flesh being torn apart.

You could finally breath...

"Put your hands up!"

And all that breathing stopped with your heart dropping to your ass as I slowly raised your hands, gulping thickly as you did so. "I-...I'm not infected." You stammered, blinking away the tears that welled up into your eyes, was this it? Was this the end of your shitty life? Wasn't this a bit unfair?..

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