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You followed after Tess, sticking behind a wall to ensure you didn't get caught by the law. Once you knew the man wasn't looking you made the first move, hopping over the wall. Grabbing a bottle and rolling it, the noise caught the man's attention, cautiously he made his way in your direction.

You jumped on the man's back, causing him to tumble down, your hand grabbing his mouth as you stabbed into his neck, dragging his body back slightly, handing the corpse over to Joel for him to drag back a bit more.

You moved up once more, motioning for Joel to grab this guard before you, he nodded quietly, grunting as he moved up.

You climbed out of the nearest window, ducking behind another crate, eyes scanning for a path. Four more guards up ahead.

You crawled towards the next cover, taking your bag off quietly as you grabbed a Molotov out. Grabbing a brick along with it, you tossed the brick in their general direction, catching the attention of three of the four guards, deeming it good enough, you motioned Joel over, pointing at the last guard. "Can you get that one?" You muttered towards shim as he peaked up and nodded confirming he indeed could.

"Thanks." You lighted your Molotov, getting ready to throw as joel made quick work of the last guard

You stood up throwing the Molotov at the trip that grouped up, trying to figure out what that noise was as if the newly broken brick didn't exist.

They lit up like Christmas lights, screaming ah the fire engulfing their bodies.

You stood up fully, giving a thumbs up to Joel who in return nodded at you.

Marlene took the lead again, going towards a latter and began climbing doen- one last federal agent stood In front of a the door you needed to pass through.

"[Name], can you get him? We need to get through the door." Marlene gripped her side as she looked at you. You looked at the man standing In front of the door and nodded, "sure." You went to go stand up only to get tugged back down by Tess. "No, Joel. You go do it?" She basically shooed Joel to go do it, he grunted giving her a stink eye as he made his way to take the fedra down.

You stared at Marlene in shock as she droppded a bombshell- the fat that you were gonna be delivering a child to a few fireflies was mind boggling yet curiosity inducing, why did she needs the three of you to deliver a child- teenager?

"We're not delivering shit until I see those guns." Tess demanded causing you to snap out of your thoughts, quickly pulling g out dick to feed him before pocketing the Tamagotchi pet once more.

Marlene nodded, shaking her  until it was looking down before looking back up at Tess. "I'll take you to the firefly camp, get patched up and show you the guns, but she does not cross that side of town." Marlene sternly said, pointing at Ellie who.

"I want [Name] and Joel to take care of her." Marlene sternly said, looking at the both of you then at Ellie, you took a step away from Joel as he was quick to protest, Ellie joining in a millisecond later.

"Woah-woah I am not-"

"What the fuck. No I'm not- Marlene?"

Marlene held her hand out to stop Ellie from saying anything else. "Ellie, please, we won't get another shot at this." Her words made Ellie back down slightly. "How do you know these people?" Ellie asked.

Marlene grunted holding her Injury. "I knew his brother Tommy. He said if I ever needed help to ask Joel." She stared at Joel. "Was that before or after he left your group?" Joel snarked Marlene didn't miss a beat, speaking up. "Tommy was a good man.." she spoke, sincerely as Joel looked away, gritting his teeth. Tess butted in. "It'll just be a moment Joel, insee the guns come back then we'll deliver the girl if Marlene has the guns."

Joel grunted before nodding, Tess looked over at you, waiting for a protest as you shrugged at her. "I love bullying kids." You sarcastically said.

(No editing💔😞)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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