chapter 1

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(A/N- ok so here's the thing chapter one to five are rushed so I'm sorry if there's any confusion just skip to ch6 if you want, I promise to make the next chapters better)

                      3rd person pov      

Police arrived at the underground laboratory along with the heroes all might , Erasure, and midnight, all might punch a wall creating a big entrance, police force shot their gun aiming the scientists killing some of them and taking one as a prisoner they searched every cell for any hostage and they found a lot children age 7-11 years old and we're taking each of them one by one ,

"ok I think that's everyone" allmight said getting out from the cell wearing his signature smile

"No not everyone mister" a girl with purple hair that looks like a 7 years old said being carried by one of the police men

Midnight "allmight there's a door over there it won't open!!"

Allmight "on it!"

Allmight rushed to where midnight was with erasure following closely behind , midnight who was Infront of an iron door back away , allmight punch the door making in fall forward  the three heroes went inside scanning the area the room smelled like  rotten corp's being placed in one room it was dark and cold the room looks like it was meant for torture having all those chains and knife scattered around , a faint sound can be heard which startled them , in the corner of their eyes they see a boy with green hair and eyes staring lifelessly at them , midnight gasp at the sight the boy was small very small chained on the wall with multiple cut's and wounds , the boy stared at them from where he was sleeping and sat up right to properly face them ,
Allmight recovers from the state of shock, and bend over to the boy's level

Allmight "child are you ok!? do not fear we have come to rescue you!!"

The boy didn't say or reach he was just starting, it worries the heroes deeply after all the boy looks over 5 years old seeing the poor thing in that state left them guilty for not coming sooner

Midnight " is he mute?"

Erasure "we need to take him to rg ASAP!"

Without a word to spare Allmight breaks the chains careful not to hurt the boy and carried him in his arms, using his superspeed allmight quickly made his way out of the laboratory towards AU leaving a dust of wind behind and rush to where  recovery girl is, less then 20 minutes allmight came bursting through the nurse office panting hard carefully with the boy in arms ,rg papers fly everywhere making rg blood boil,

Recovery girl "ALLMIGHT !!!! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR TH-!!"


Rg stop and look at the boy in allmights arms she gasp seeing the boys

Recovery girl"put him down here now !"

Allmight gently puts the boy in bed , he was just  sitting there not doing anything no words no movement just dull green eyes staring at the ground , allmight sweat drop looking at the boy he wondered how could a so young could be in that state

Recovery girl "allmight OUT! I'm going to examine him"

He understood and walked towards the door not before giving the boy a quick glance and head out, once he closed the door he saw erasure and midnight coming to his direction

Erasure "how is he ?"

Allmight "I don't know recovery girl kick me out the moment I lay him down"

Midnight"poor kid..."

Allmight" how's the other children?"

Erasure"they're all safe we already  talk to the police their all in good hands"

Allmight "phew  that's a relief"

A moment later they could hear  screaming inside of recovery girls office, the three heroes immediately rush in seeing a crying old woman on the ground trembling


midnight instantly fell on her knees , the boy was now naked revealing a much more horrifying sight , the small boy body was skinny, he  had multiple burns, cuts, and scares  it look like he was burned alive and being wiped countless times allmight and erasure stood on their ground to shock to even move ,  how could those people do this to a child!? How did  he survive!?

Recovery girl "*sob* h-he-help m-me g-ge-get *sob* m-medicines NOW"

At that moment erasure hurriedly grabs any bandages, alcohol, and painkillers  he could find while allmight got out to find some clothes for the poor boy rg and midnight cleaned his body with clean water and a towel

Midnight"rg why can't you just heal him with your quirk!?"

Recovery girl" my quirk needs a paciants energy to heal but in his current state..... he might just end up dead..."

The boy watches as the people around him , he didn't think he didn't speak just watch the world around him , erasure brought all the bandages and medicine he could find and give it to recovery girl

Recovery girl"dear I'm going to put some medicine on your wounds ok?, it might hurt a bit so bear with ok deary?"

He didn't respond he just looked at her , rg gently  applied the medicine onto the boy's body she expects, a heart breaking cry  to be heard but to her surprise she didn't hear any rg was stunned the boy holds no tears no painful look or even a sound is as if his already dead

Recovery girl "o-oh my...."

ERASURE "we need to get his information"

Allmight"let's ask nezu that rat knows everything"

The three heroes agree and left recovery girls office leaving the boy in her care ,

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