chapter 5- home decorating

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                   toshinori's pov

"sooo... That's basically it"

After I explained to hizashi about Izuku he did not take it so lightly not the  bad kind but he did however pass out and now on the floor like his husband,

The two of them have been married for a while now and they're like yen and yang , although they tend to argue from time to time in the end one of them had to stop their argument if the other can't stand it I'm amazed they are able to keep up with each other

He finally recovered from his state shock and returned from his position
Fixing himself

Hizashi " who else knows about this?" He ask

"Only me nezu nemure aizawa and rg" I remark

Hizashi"that's a relief "he stated

"Don't tell anyone especially on your radio broadcast"I warned him

Hizashi"don't worry I know how to keep my mouth shut  I don't want to make that little listenera target " he confirmed

"Well then I'll join my son in bed now so I'll leave first good night" I said standing up and left , hizashi gave me a nob before getting up , picking his sleeping husband up carried him

Closing the door behind me , I gaze down on Izuku resting so peacefully in bed it concerned me because he looks dead I see  no sign of breathing or even a sound but when I checked he was actually breathing but very slowly

I got on the bed besides him putting the covers over us , I  held his hands on mine it was very small he looks so fragile

I don't know much about being a parent or how to properly raise a kid I never  had a family before so it's new to me but I'll do my best not because I owe him my life but because I want him to have someone to care and love   him , maybe then he'll understand the world around him and then someday maybe I can see him smile.

[With nezu] nezu's pov

Izuku is a mystery the information about him is not entirely complete half of his file was ripped apart,I didn't tell anyone about this and I plan to keep it that way , when I was searching through there file's I later found out that all of the children's brought in the lab where quirkless except for Izuku which is strange,but then I remembered the first word that came out of Izuku's file 'GIFTED'I think there is more to it and I can't see it yet

apparently they have been working on a project called "re-creation" but that's all I could find  I guess they don't want the world to know about it because later on the investigators found a pile of burned papers in one of their rooms along with their computers, and right now I'm trying to recover them , I need to get to the bottom of this and find out more about this project and what thus it have to do with the quirkless children and Izuku .

[The next morning with toshinori]

                      3rd person

The next day the yamazawa couple decided to help toshinori with his house cleaning , hizashi's jaw fell when he looked inside then his eyes landed on something

Hizashi "IS THAT A DEAD RAT?!" he screamed

Aizawa "looks like it" he remarked

Toshinori sat Izuku by the kitchen counter he then gave him a coloring book and crayon to play with

Toshinori "can you stay here and play while we clean?" he said gently patting his head

As always no answer, toshinori knowing that Izuku understood so he joined the yamazawa couple on cleaning not before he gave a quick glance at Izuku seeing that he is now coloring

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