3, partager une cigarette

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some more decamps/eponine interactions this chapter! i'm so  excited for you to read it!

a/n 2: the version you're reading now is the edited version, the one previously posted had some errors. chapter 4 is on its way!

After keeping Colette entertained, Eponine got her ready for a nap. She covered her small frame with her favourite blanket, and headed downstairs to check up on her mum.

She walked past her father's study on the first floor, and heard her mother's voice from behind the door. 'I shouldn't eavesdrop,' she thought, but her feet were nailed to the wooden floor. She stalked closer to the door, and put her ear against it.

"Yes, Béatrice. No worries, they'll love hanging out with each other. I promise you that the incident doesn't make a difference, my girl knows how that feels." her mother said. 'She's calling someone?'

"I'm a hundred percent sure." 'What is she talking about?'

When she heard the phone hang up, she quickly hurried away from the door and down the stairs. Just as she reached the bottom step, she heard the study's door open. 'Just in time,' she thought, relieved.

. . .

The next morning, she met with Simone at Michéle's house. The butchery was on both of their routes to school, so they decided to go to school together. "Michéle's brother is really handsome, don't you think?" Simone asked with a dreamy look on her face, while fussing over her hair.

Now it wasn't that Eponine disagreed, he just wasn't her type at all. Descamps however, had caught her eye on the first day of school. But she couldn't tell either Simone or Michéle, because they hated everything that had anything to do with him. And even though Descamps was objectively beautiful, he was still an arsehole. "I guess so, yeah."

Simone raised a brow. "Do you not agree?" she asked.

Eponine shrugged. "No I do, he's handsome. Just not my type, I think."

"So, what is your type?" Simone asked. "I don't know, really." Eponine answered. She needed to stop this conversation before she accidentally revealed that she thought Descamps was handsome.

"Do you have a crush? Tell me everything!" SImone grabbed Eponine's hands eagerly. "I don't, Simone. Tell me about your little crush on Jean-Pierre," she laughed.

"Pleaseee, I promise not to tell anyone!" Simone prodded. "I don't have a crush, Simone." Eponine said. Behind them, a door opened. Simone's head whipped around, hoping to see Jean-Pierre.

Jean-Pierre left his house. He pulled the door shut, and started walking. As he walked past, Simone called out a cheerful: "Hi, Jean-Pierre!" But she earned no response. He kept on walking, and Simone visibly sulked.

"Come on, Simone. You deserve better." Eponine said. "Look at that expression! He didn't even say hi back!"

A depressing Michéle opened the door, and approached the girls. "What's going on?" Simone asked with concern. "He has his disciplinary hearing this afternoon," Michéle somberly replied.

The girls started their walk to school, Eponine with her bike in hand. Simone complained about a big bruise on her thigh, and how everyone would see it because their first P.E class took place today.

When they arrived at school, Simone happily greeted everyone, but Michéle and Eponine kept their heads low.

"If my brother gets kicked out.." Michéle started. "He won't." Simone interrupted her. "Don't you remember Descamps? He took his eye out!" Michéle worried.

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